Is He Okay?

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You'd gotten up in the night to pee, Cloud following you as obediently as always, his head and neck rubbing against your ankles as you take sleepy, heavy steps down the hallway, pausing when you see the light on in the bathroom and the door a little ajar.
You look at Tomura and Dabi's room, the door definitely shut.

Cautiously you approach the bathroom, pushing the door open with the tips of your fingers, Cloud darting in immediately and meowing.

Tomura's sat on the floor, his legs outstretched and his head lolled slightly towards the toilet, his long white hair covering his face.
Cloud hops onto his lap and meows loudly, batting his nose.
Tomura twitches a little, and you kneel down in front of him to move his hair so you can see his face.

When your fingers brush against his hair softly his hand catches your wrist quickly, his head snapping up and a angry look in his red eyes until he realises who he's holding onto.
He lets go immediately, his expression turning more apologetic.

"Starlight." He says, his voice more croaky than usual.

"Pa... are you okay?" You ask worriedly, ignoring Cloud's waning growls.

"Fine." He says dismissively, beginning to sit up properly. "Just felt a little off earlier."

You don't really believe him, watching him with a concerned frown as he gets up, weakly shooing Cloud off his lap.
You want to grab him and help him up, but he seems a little sharper than he had been for months, so you just watch worriedly, ready to at least try to catch him if he's as weak as he looks.
He brushes his knuckles over your cheek as he passes, not saying another word, and Cloud traipses off after him.

You watch anxiously, seeing Tomura go to shut the door, but Cloud yowls to grab his attention and stop him, and then slinks into the room with him.
Cloud rarely ever stayed the night in their room, and although you don't like the idea of being without your cat for the night, you guess that Tomura must need him more, and you're willing to part with him if it meant Tomura felt a bit better.


"Dad?" You ask from behind Dabi.

"Mm? Yeah, hon?" He replies distractedly as he reads a recipe on his phone.

"Did Tomura feel better this morning?" You ask, plopping Cloud onto the floor, and letting him go to his food bowl.

"Huh? Whaddaya mean?" He asks, his hand going to your head the second you're close enough.

"He was sick last night." You explain, leaning into the touch, kind of needing reassurance after being worried all evening.

"He was?" Dabi says, sounding surprised. "M' sure he's fine, doll, went to work this morning."

You don't feel too convinced or reassured so you stay quiet and lean against your dad, silently asking for a proper hug. Dabi glances at you, and wraps his prosthetic arm around your shoulders, pulling you close and abandoning his attempt at breakfast.

"Don't worry, darlin' girl, he's tough, you know that." He says, rubbing your arm. "I honestly coulda poisoned him last night by accident. Maybe we should start gettin' Zero to cook again."

"Maybe..." You murmur. But surely if he'd been sick from Dabi's cooking, you both would have been too.

"C'mon, help me figure out this recipe." He says, kissing your head. "We might be a bit luckier with you helping, princess."


It's another day or two until you find Tomura being sick in the night again, thanks to Cloud's yowling outside of your room and you're worried all over again.
You tie his hair back for him and refuse to leave, even when he gets a little snappy at you. You sit by his side and pat his back, and press your head to his arm when he stops for a little while.

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