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When you come upstairs from messing around in the garden with Cloud, you can hear Tomura and Dabi arguing even over the music in their room that usually meant they wanted to be left alone.
Cloud immediately runs over to the door and starts scratching and yowling, but he's ignored.

"So you want me to be in pain?" You hear Dabi snap from behind the door.

"Touya, lower your voice." Is the even response back.

"No, fuck you!" Dabi snaps back.


"Quit fuckin' calling me that!" Dabi yells, and you can feel the temperature rising in the room even in the hallway. "Gonna fuckin' tell me what to do with my time and body, an' call me Touya while doing it? You sound just like my old man."

There's a short silence from inside the room, and Cloud continues to scratch and try to chew the door.

"Take some time to calm down." You hear Tomura say as you pick Cloud up to stop him from damaging the door.

"You don't have to tell me, I'm gonna go hang out with someone that doesn't give a fuck what I do to handle the pain, asshole!" Dabi sneers in a way you've never heard him speak to Tomura before.

"Okay, Dabi." Tomura says calmly, despite being insulted. "I'll be here."

And then the door handle turns and you quickly spin around to try and pretend that you weren't eavesdropping, even though you wouldn't have been able to ignore it anyway.
You take a few quick steps to make it look like you'd come from the bathroom at the end of the hall and were going to the living room as Tomura opens their bedroom door, the music that had been muffled seeming to be ten times louder the second the door's open.

"Hello Starlight." Tomura says, kissing the top of your head as he passes you to go into the kitchen himself.

"Hi pa." You say quietly, watching and trying to cling on to Cloud as he wiggles, wanting to go to and follow the white-haired man.

Cloud eventually yowls loudly enough for freedom that it makes you startle out of your trance and Tomura turns his head to look at you both curiously.
You set Cloud on the floor slowly, and he immediately wanders over to Tomura, jumping onto the counter for attention, ignoring the fact he seems to be cleaning it.

"Is everything okay, Star?" Tomura asks, raising a wrinkled brow.

"Mhm." You reply, nodding and flopping onto the sofa, hoping it looks natural enough that he won't pick up on the fact you're a little shaken up.

But it's Tomura. He's smart.
He gives the back of your head an amused look, scratching the top of Cloud's head a couple of times before ditching his task of trying to get rid of the scorch marks in the work surface and approaching you, crossing his arms over the back of the couch, and looking at you with soft eyes.

"You've always been a terrible liar." He tells you.

You give him a guilty look and he moves one of his arms to stroke your cheek with the back of his knuckles softly like he used to when you were younger.

"How much did you hear?" He asks.

"Not much." You reply, honestly this time.

He hums, tucking hair behind your ear as carefully as he can, and both of you only catch a glimpse of Dabi from the corners of your eyes as he storms out of the house, although he doesn't slam the door on his way out.
You look at Tomura the second he's left, waiting for an explanation, but his eyes are fixed on the door for a moment or two.
When he returns his attention to you, he gives you a sympathetic smirk.

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