Looked After

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You had been sat staring at the drawing for at least an hour, fretting about how to do something... more with it. Uncle Giran always made it look so easy doing literally anything remotely artistic, and realistically, there wasn't much to buildings, they were pretty much just a bunch of straight lines.
So why were you finding it so hard?
You could draw faces, bodies, flowers and animals with ease, but something as simple as the outside of the bar that you had moved into when you'd first been taken in by Dabi was difficult? So difficult that you couldn't even find a way to translate the references of architectural drawings you'd managed to find on your laptop onto the page?

The more stressed you get, the more nauseous you begin to feel, and in turn, the more Cloud seems to start to fuss around your ankles, and try to jump onto your lap despite your adamance he stays on the floor.
He gives pitiful mewls while you groan, wrapping an arm around your unsettled stomach. He uses this distraction to climb onto your lap and bump his head worriedly against you.

"I'll puke on you." You warn the fluffy friend on your lap.

He 'mrrow's at you, bumping his head against you again, looking at you with his big, green eyes without purring like he usually would the second he was on your lap.
You look back down at him, your mouth pulling downward as you realise the extent of which you'd worked yourself up into, your stomach churning and threatening to send bile straight up your throat, and your body beginning to overheat.

"Aw, man." You half-complain, getting up despite Cloud being caught off-guard and hopping to the floor.

You leave your room, heading towards the bathroom. You can hear faint music coming from Tomura and Dabi's room, which typically meant they didn't want to be interrupted, so you were going to have to deal with this alone.
Not that Cloud would allow that, of course, him hot on your heels as you rush to the bathroom.
You manage to make it just in time to throw up into the toilet bowl, groaning in disgust and then gagging again soon after. The tri-coloured cat loyally curls up by your feet despite the situation, his green eyes watching you carefully, even after you're done and just resting your head against the cool porcelain.

"Star?" A raspy voice asks after a while, and you see a flash of white and unmarred skin from the corner of your eyes.

"I told you I heard something." Dabi snaps, and you feel his cold, metal hand moving your damp hair out of your face. "Oh, hon..."

"Can you sit up?" Tomura asks you, ignoring Dabi's sharp tone.

"I'm not sitting up?" You ask, confused.

Cool hands press against your arm and back, helping to lead you upwards again, and you see concerned red and blue eyes on you, with Cloud circling your feet. You sit up, your upper body feeling ten times heavier than usual. Tomura rubs your back as you reorient yourself, and Dabi looks down at you, completely concerned.

"What happened, doll?" Dabi asks, crouching behind Tomura and moving your hair again.

"Felt sick." You say simply.

"You feel sick now?" He asks.

He settles down where Tomura had been sitting as soon as Tomura gets up, flushing the toilet and moving to retrieve your toothbrush.
You shake your head, and Dabi rubs your back like Tomura had with his cold hand, his white eyebrows still pulled together in worry as he looks at you.
Tomura passes you your toothbrush wordlessly, crouching beside you and petting Cloud's head as the cat begins mewling again, bumping his head up against Tomuras touch.

"Did you eat somethin' funny?" Dabi asks, pressing the back of his warm hand against your forehead.

You shake your head as you brush your teeth, and this makes Dabi's frown deepen.

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