Trial By Fire

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Several days had passed since Ahsoka left and Y/n was missing her by the day, every time his nightmares woke him he at least had Ahsoka laying next to him as a reminder that he still has her, but now she was gone, for how long he didn't know but all he knew now was that he had to make a choice, stay and maybe the empire doesn't find him, or leave and join Ahsoka but return to the order that once frustrated him, he had no idea who was on the council now but one thing was for certain, they wouldn't be much different from the ones before.

Today he was to take one of the twins into town and sell this year's crops, he would have mostly avoided them but they grew closer to him now they found out who he was, and that made it dangerous, as he sat at the wagon he looked at Sylven who had just sat down next to him.

Y/n: That path can be dangerous. Is your brother coming along?

Sylven: No. But we'll be fine, won't we. Master Jedi.

Y/n sighed.

Y/n: You shouldn't say such things.

Sylven: I saw you push the bales clear of my brother.

Y/n: You have it wrong.

Sylven: Why didn't you tell us?

Y/n: There's nothing to tell.

Sylven: Don't worry. It's our secret.

Y/n nods as they say there goodbyes for the day and travel to the city which was a days ride by their means as they didn't have speeders to get around places quickly, meanwhile across the other side of the galaxy Ahsoka was helping with the relief efforts for homeless civilians still recovering from the loss of their homes a few years ago.

Meanwhile across deep space Ahsoka was currently helping a group of people with setting up a temporary shelter, she had found this meaning work outside of the Jedi order as she wouldn't go back without Y/n feeling like she would be a outcast among them, however the past few days Ahsoka's thoughts had been wondering on Y/n, missing him by the day and had thought about going back but she knew that she's doing important work and needed to help these people, just wished that Y/n was here to do the same.

As the long hours went by from building shelters and organising meals along with struggling to focus she stopped to take a break when a feeling through the force shook through her, her eyes darted around looking for the disturbance she had felt around the crowds of people when she suddenly came across a dark female figure and ignites and red lightsaber.

Ahsoka darts across the shelter and towards the busy streets hoping to lose her pursuer as they sprinted after her, Ahsoka ran through the crowds and down the alleyways to evade the pursuer when Mandalorians came from the opposite end of the alleyway trying to block her escape, she jumps over the top of them and continued to run down the alleyways while reaching for her comm device

Ahsoka: Y/n I hope the force you get this, the rumours about the Inquisitors are true and they are coming, they are on to me but I don't know how much longer I can keep them away, if you get this, run, just run and know that I love you. Always.

As she put her comm away the Inquisitor drops down from the building and kicks Ahsoka in the chest knocking her down to the floor and the Mandalorians grabbing hold of her, she tried to resist and pull away but the Inquisitor stood right up to her and their helmet lifts up.

Barris: Hello old friend. It's been a long time.

Barris smirked.

After a few hours of silence of travelling to the city in Ord Mantel Y/n looked to the young girl who looked at him still smiling and at awe of him.

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