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Kookie finishes her milk and he goes upstairs to take out his toys then Jungkook also finishes his food then he said

" Now you are his mother you have to take care of him , and make sure of his health " She looked at him and said yes who was looking at her

" As you know he is just 2 years old so you need to feed him your milk " She became confused by his words, she asked him" I...don't--understand "

He arched his one eyebrow and he stood up from his seat and marched towards her which made her gulped " Did I said something wrong " She thought

She shocked when he touches her left breast, pointing her breast with his index finger "Your milk" Her mouth became open in shock when she realised his meaning

It don't like that she doesn't know about this but she didn't think that she needed to do this

" His teeth are not grown properly "
He said this and left from there while smiling evily, leaving her there in shock

She was in her own thoughts " What the hell no I am not ready for this I mean I know this but...how...can I. Luna but you have to do this after all he is now your baby also but..how I can do it godddd!!!! I love my body "

Luna takes her steps towards upstairs she saw kookie coming downstairs with his toy in his hand he said while holding her cloth " Mama Mama let's play puzzles "

She smiled and didn't know why Every time he called her mama her heart felt so blessed " Um...kookie..um come with me I will play with you , but first come with mama " She said and kookie happily nodded and hold her one finger.

She sat on the bed and placed him on her lap,he said while giggling in her arms" Mama your smell is very sweet"

She smiled which cause by his compliment and she asked " Do you like my smell " He nodded and said " Hmm....Very much " She shook her head and her reaction became a little nervous and serious. Only she know how much she was screaming internally

It was embarrassing for her , all mothers have to do this but she didn't think that she also had to do this because she is his step mother not biological but it's important for him to have this.

She is thinking that how would he react when she told him that

She said while shuttering as she is embarrassed and shy. "Kookie..Umm..like a mom needs to give....her that whose kookie should be healthy " Her words goes out of his little brain he confusingly raised her head and look at her. She bit her lips in tension and said " K-kookie..every mother needs to g-give her...milk to her baby so....Kookie can become healthy and strong "

His Co-wife                                                      |Jungkook|Where stories live. Discover now