𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘳 𝘔𝘦?

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You paced back and forth in your living room, excitement and nervousness bubbling inside you.

"Babe, have you finalized the guest list yet? We need to send out the invitations soon,"  you call out, unable to contain your wedding planning enthusiasm.

Rose, who was engrossed in her work on the laptop, glanced up with a forced smile.

"Not yet, Y/N-ah. Can we talk about this later? I have a deadline to meet."

"But baby, the florist needs confirmation for the arrangements, and we still haven't decided on the menu,"  you persisted, your excitement overshadowing Rose's stressed demeanor.

Rose let out a sigh, her patience wearing thin.

"Y/N, I know the wedding is important, but I have a lot on my plate right now. Can we please discuss this later?"

You felt a pang of pain in your heart but tried to keep your tone calm.

"Okay, Rosie. But can we at least set aside some time tonight to go over the details? It's important to me."

Rose nodded absentmindedly, already immersed in her work again. "Sure, we'll talk about it tonight."

As evening approached, you eagerly waited for Rose to finish her work. When Rose finally closed her laptop, you immediately launched into wedding planning mode, bombarding Rose with questions and ideas.

"Rose, what do you think about this color scheme? And should we have a live band or a DJ at the reception?" Your excitement was palpable, but Rose's expression grew increasingly strained.

"Y/N, can we please take a break from wedding talk? I've had a long day, and I just need some downtime," Rose said, trying to remain patient.

"But Rose, the wedding is only a few days away, and there's so much to plan!" You insisted, your enthusiasm bordering on impatience now.

Rose's patience snapped. "Y/N, I get that the wedding is important to you, but you're suffocating me with all these details! Can't we just enjoy being engaged without constantly stressing about the wedding?"

Your excitement deflated, hurt evident in your eyes. "I just want our special day to be perfect, Rose. Is that too much to ask?"

Rose sighed, realizing she had been too harsh. "I'm sorry, Y/N-ah. I know it's important to you, and I do want our wedding to be special. Let's talk about it calmly, okay?"

The tension eased slightly as you nodded, understanding Rose's perspective.


"Sorry I'm late," Rose said, panting as she rushed into the meeting spot.

"They just left," you replied, disappointment evident in your voice.

"What?" Rose's expression shifted to confusion.

"The wedding organizers just left, Rose. You're two hours late," you explained, trying to remain calm.

Rose sighed, "I'm so sorry, my boss called me, and there was this urgent issue at work."

Your frustration peaked, "Couldn't you have at least informed them? We're getting married in three days, Rose! You haven't even picked out your dress yet."

"Y/N, I love you, but my career is just so demanding," Rose began to explain, her voice tinged with frustration.

"You want us to settle down and start a family, but I'm an idol, Y/N. I have my own priorities and—"

"So, you don't want to marry me?" Your voice trembled with hurt, tears forming in your eyes.

"I... I don't. At least not yet. Let me focus on my work first," Rose hesitated, realizing the weight of her words.

"Let's call this off, Rose," your voice cracked as you spoke, your heart breaking.

"I don't want to marry someone who doesn't prioritize me. If your career is more important, then you're no longer the one I want."

With a heavy heart, you took off the engagement ring and placed it on the table.

Rose looked at you, torn between love and ambition, but the damage was done.

Your decision was final, and Rose realized too late the cost of neglecting her relationship for the sake of her career.

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