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Sierra and Izzy smirked, as they caught up with the three.

Izzy: We were following you guys!

Noah: No duh, Izzy.

Cody: Guys let's go to the candy shop!!!!

Noah smiles, and ruffles Cody hair.

Cody: Hey! I worked hard on my hair!

Noah: Heh, barely.

The group walks to the new candy store. It was a few miles away, so it took a few minutes to get there. The four arrives at the candy shop, And Cody runs straight in, With Sierra running in as well.

Noah: Well, looks like we have candy loving partners.

Noah nudges Izzy playfully, as Izzy giggles a bit. Sierra and Cody pick out a butt load of candy, and scatters them on the table so the cashier could ring them up.

Cody: I can't wait to eat my candy! Sierra, what'd you get?

Sierra: I got Jolly ranchers, air heads, sour patch kids..

Sierra keeps naming the candy she bought, and Cody listens intently. The cashier rings up their candy and puts it in a bag. Cody and Sierra grab their bags, as they run up to Izzy, Noah and Eva.

Izzy: Ooh! Sierra, could I maybe.. TAKE SOME!?

Izzy snatches a handful of candy, and runs away giggling and laughing.

Sierra: IZZY!

Sierra smirks, and chases Izzy, while Noah and Cody watch.

Noah: Those two are just the cutest couple.

Cody: Couldn't agree more. What about you, Eva?

Eva: Eh, I don't really care. I don't like love.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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