Left alone, found another

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One day, Sierra finally left Cody alone. He was free. Sierra had finally realized Cody wasn't interested, and she needed someone else. Cody got with Noah. Now, Sierra was Noah's and Cody's friend. A few days later, Sierra found someone. Someone who was truly interested in her, and tolerated her. That person was Izzy. Sierra loved how Izzy was crazy, and always did crazy stuff. Izzy slowly started to develop feelings for Sierra, and Sierra slowly started to develop feelings for Izzy. Izzy wanted Sierra to join Team E-Scope so she asked sierra, and then Noah and Eva.

Izzy: "Guys, I think Sierra should join our group!"

Noah: "Why should we let sierra into our group? She talks a little to much."

Eva: "Yeah, and we don't want another weakling in our group."

Noah: "shut up Eva."

Izzy: "She's not really talkative! And she's not weak!"

Noah: "I don't know.."

Eva: "Yeahhh, no."

Noah: "Imma have to agree with Eva on this one."

Izzy: "What? Come on! Please..?"

Sierra stood there, nervous about what Noah and Eva will say. Will she be in the team? Find out, on Sierra au part 2 !! :3

Sierra au part 1 !!Where stories live. Discover now