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I sigh as I walk around the streets, dodging kids on skateboards, and roller skates, and full grown adults with their eyes glued to their phones, hoping to get to work without falling or cussing a kid out again. When I walk into my office, Amara jumps up and smiles at me as I take my jacket off.

"What did you do?"
I ask, worried. Amara is always getting up to some sort of trouble, its a miracle she Hasn't been fired yet.

"so, y'know how You're like crazy lonely right?"
She starts off, making me sigh as I sit at my desk. "how sweet of you to remind me" I think, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I suppose, yes?"
I say, humoring her so I Don't have to hear about this later. I turn to my desk in my chair and start sorting all my papers again.

"So, me and my bestie decided to cancel all your appointments this afternoon, and we planned ourselves a night out."
She says, handing me a piece of paper with a time and a location. I let out yet another heavy sigh.

I say, sounding ridiculously like my father when I had the phase of wanting to be a god myself.


"...did you atleast reschedule my appointments?"
I ask, to which she chuckles

"I already informed all your appointments that their appointments would have to be rescheduled since you 'got sick' and couldn't come in."
She says. It baffles me how she's so stupid but also extremely smart at the same time. I groan and rub my face

"Amara, remind me why I haven't fired you yet for pulling stuff like this?"
I say, not expecting anything more than a "because I'm awsome" from her.

"Because I actually graduated university to do exactly what you hired me to do"

well, thats a new one

"and Because you love me"

there she is

I sigh again and rub my face again, logging into my computer, shaking my head.

Amara comes through the door, holding a bag from a mutual favorite restaurant, and place it on my desk
"Food, for his highness"
Amara says, reaching into the bag and pulling out a take out container of Gyros (Pronounced "yee-rohs")
I smile at her and thank her, moving my papers so I can eat.
After getting some much needed food in my system, I decide to humor Amara more.

"So, what exactly did you plan?"
I ask, looking at her scarfing down her Souvlaki. She pauses, takes a drink and wipes her face, then speaks.

"Me and my friend, who's a med student at that university a few blocks away, had a free night so I decided-since I'm literally the only friend you have that you'd be okay with me taking the night off to hang out with her."
I blink at her as if she's crazy.

"I have other friends"
I lie. I Don't. I stopped trying to make friends centuries ago.

"Whats this friends name?"
I ask, hoping to make her forget about the fact I blatantly lied to her face.

"Oh, a highschool friend, Iris." She says, and goes back to scarfing down her food.

Amara begged me to drive her and her friend to the bar, since she doesn't want to leave her car in the parking lot of the bar overnight. I sigh as I watch the crowds of stressed out university students rush in and out of the doors, Amara in the passenger seat.

"How long has this friend of yours been in med school?"
I ask, genuinely intrigued that an almost 30 year old woman is in her second year of medical school.
Amara looks up from her phone. Never did understand how to use those things.
"she was in uni for business, then decided to switch majors. Took her a while to get into the med program she wanted" Amara explains. I hum and nod, continuing to watch the never ending traffic of this university campus.
"Is she really a 'friend'? Or are you still trying to hide your sexuality from me?" I ask. Amara chuckles and blushes.
"she's just a friend!" She laughs
"You said that last time too, but then you dated her for a month and a half!" I retort. I continue to bug Amara about her being a closeted lesbian for the next 20 minutes.

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