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"Where are we going?"


"I know that, but where?"
I chuckle at her response and help her through a thicket of vines.

"Somehwere special. Just wait"
I say, grinning at her. As we walk I pick an apple from a nearby tree and look at her, hoping. I adjust the blindfold on her eyes and continue walking with her until we get to the shore, where I sit her on a rock and take the blindfold off. She chuckles and gasps when she see's it. She turns to me.

"Its beautiful, Artemis"
She says, looking over her shoulder at me, then back at the sky. Blue swirling with pinks and purples, splotches of orange and red, hinting at the oncoming night.
"I knew you'd like it"
I smile, sitting next to her, fidgeting with the apple in my hand, and looking at the sky with her. Eventually, I get enough confidence to stand up and look at her.

I say, getting her attention. When she looks at me I finally toss the apple to her, praying to Eros she accepts it. Nefeli catches the apple with a happy smile.
She asks, looking at me. I smile and nod.
"If you want to"

"why wouldn't I?"
She asks, setting the apple down and standing up, running to hug me. I catch her and chuckle, spinning around, and kissing her neck. She laughs and squirms when I gently bite the nape of her neck.

She sqeals, laughing and showing off her beautiful smile. I smile against her neck and put her down, looking down at her.

"You're so pretty"
I say to her.
"I'm so happy you accepted. Hopefully our families will support us this time"
I say, moving a piece of her brown hair out of her face, showing off her blue eyes. I look into her eyes, which show a hint of sadness, which is quickly drowned out by happiness again.

"Who cares? If they do, fantastic, if they Don't, we can go wherever we want! Run off to the new world together, make our own family"
She grins.  "she looks so pretty when she smiles..how could anyone do anything that didn't give her a reason to show it off?" I think to myself.
"I vow to you that we'll be together. Even if it kills me" she says, smiling.

I look at her and smile.
"I vow to be with you forever, and to keep you happy, and safe, no matter how long we live." I say, leaning down to kiss her lips, a cold breeze rushing through, making me shiver. Once I'm happily entranced in her lips, she suddenly pulls away. I open my eyes to find her brother pulling her away and her father looking at me with the anger of Ares.

Nefeli looks back at her brother and wrestles herself out of his hands, her father looks at her with disappointment.

"I thought I raised you better, Nefeli"

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