Chapter 21

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Last chapter kinda sucked sorry :/


As the plane landed inToronto, Mila glanced over at Quinn excitement and nerves. The NHL All-Star weekend was a big event for them, not just because Quinn was an all star this year, but also because they had diced to tell the Hughes Mila was pregnant.

Charlie and Lacy were bouncing with energy, their faces pressed against the airplane windows steering at the city lights below. "Look, Daddy! Buildings!" Lacy exclaimed her voice filled with wonder.

Quinn chuckled ruffling Lacy's hair. "That's right bean Toronto has big tall buildings."

Mila leaned closer to Quinn, speaking in a hushed tone. "Do you think they'll notice I'm pregnant?"

Quinn grinned, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Dad and the boys won't you don't even have a baby bump, mom she has a sixth sense about these things."

The small family arrived at their hotel as they walked into the lobby Charlie looked around. "Where's nanny?" He asked.

Quinn had told the twins they'd meet Ellen,Jim and their uncles at the hotel when they got to Toronto.

"Nanny and poppy aren't here yet we came early" Wuinn explained to the twins.

Mila and Quinn diced to come a day early so the twins has time to settle into the hotel before the rest of the family arrived.

As they unpacked, Quinn couldn't help but steal glances at Mila who was carefully organizing their belongings. "You look amazing, you know," he said admiring her.

Mila smiled her eyes meeting his. "Thank you I just hope I can keep up with everything during the weekend."

"You will plus mom,dad and Luke will be there to help when I'm not" Quinn reassured her, wrapping his arms around her gently.

Charlie and Lacy were already exploring every nook and cranny of the suite looking at everything excitedly "they're so excited about everything."

Quinn nodded a proud smile on his face "Yeah, they're taking it all in. I think they're going to love the All-Star events."

"I hope they don't get to overwhelmed though, you know how they can get sometimes" Mila worried.

"They'll be fine Mils stop worrying" Quinn answered kissing the top of the girls head.

"I want to tell the twins about the baby before we tell your family" mila said as the couple sat down on the couch.

"We can tell them tonight" Quinn suggested quietly. "Mhm yeah that's a good idea that means if they have any questions they can ask and we don't need to worry about holding anything up you know" the girl said thinking out loud.

The twins had started to complain about being hungry so the family diced to find somewhere to eat.

"Mommy I have meat?" Charlie asked as they walked down the street of Toronto. "What kind of meat bean?" Mila asked.

"Nuggies" Lacy said before her brother could answer. "No fishy" Charlie said glaring at his sister.

"Hey it's okay you two we can have nuggies and fishy" Quinn said trying to settle the twins down.

The family finally found a place to eat dinner that would make both twins happy so now both twins sat happy eating their food.

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