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The ravenette beauty rushed to slip into her shoes before grabbing her coffee mug from the hands of her dad and running out the house, not before placing a swift kiss on his chqeek and wishing him a good day at work.

Her bag was slightly slipping off her shoulders with the speed she was walking at yet she chose to ignore the feeling as she sped faster towards the bus that fortunately hadn't left for school just yet.

She let out a huff as she finally entered the bus her eyes searching the bus noticing two new kids sat just behind the ginger she was looking for. Her eyes slightly twitched as the blonde one noticed her and gave her a grin and a wave.

She looked back at him, her face blank but internally she was screaming. Yeah, no way I'm sitting there today. My social battery is already dead and I can't be bothered to deal with the new kids just yet.

As she was about to walk past her usual seat besides her cousin, praying that he wouldn't start talking to her, a hand gripped her arm and shoved her into the seat she had been avoiding causing her to choke slightly on the coffee she was just sipping. Her eyes were wide as she turned to look at her cousin, Ashlyn, almost as if asking- What the hell was that for?!

The other female looked right back at her, her eyes practically screaming the words- If I'm suffering, your suffering with me.

The grey eyed female began scowling while taking her headphones out of her backpack and starting to play her music, hoping it would drown out the sound of the male behind her that would not stop talking. Usually she was up for the socialising with others bit. However after staying awake the whole of last night and only getting around an hour of sleep, trying to complete her summer project, she was NOT in the mood.

She shut her eyes as the music began lulling her to sleep. Maybe she could catch up on that sleep she had missed.

Her eyes slammed open as she felt herself falling down onto the floor. She groaned slightly before picking herself up and looking cautiously around the theatre-looking room she was in. Besides her stood Ashlyn who looked just as cautious as she did at the moment. Both of their eyes were searching the room for answers about what the hell had just happened.

"That was so awesome!" She heard a voice say from behind her, causing her to turn and meet the red eyes of the blonde who wouldn't stop talking and the tall buff guy he was sat with at the bus.

The other male seemed to be more on guard yet also slightly worried as he looked around the room. His fingers quickly rising as he pointed to the right. Lee Jihye or as she's known in Georgia,  Emilia, turned her gaze toward the direction he had been pointing at only to notice more people were beginning to magically appear out if nowhere. Her brows furrowed in worry as she recognised some of the new arrivals.

She along with Ashlyn walked over to their parents who were stood besides each other. Emilia's mum quickly looking over both girls to make sure they were fine before their parents began helping out and checking on the others who had arrives and trying to find some answers.

After a while, mostly everyone had slightly calmed down but most were still on guard about what had just happened. I mean, how the hell was everyone just transported randomly from different places to here in just a matter of seconds? It didn't make any sense at all.

"Have you found anything?" Mike Banner, Ashlyn's dad and Emilia's uncle, asked his wife, brother-in-law and sister. He only got a shake of their heads in response.

Amy Banner, Emilia's mum, looked around at the crowd of people that had been transported along with her before turning her attention to her daughter and niece. She walked towards them, hands placed on both their shoulders as she gave them a squeeze in comfort. The comfort mostly aimed at Ashlyn, knowing how much she hates crowds due to the noise and due to the fact she knew her daughter was strong enough to not need her comfort.

As she was about to speak up, a shriek was heard from the crowd causing everyone to become alert and turn to face where the noise had come from. Amy removed her hands from her girls' shoulders as she and her brother walked towards the sound only to see a tanned skin female gripping onto who seemed to be her brother's arm as she pointed at the floating letter.

Amy's eyes hardened as she went to grab the letter only for Mike to get it first. She shrugged it off and waited for him to finish reading it.

Mike could only furrow his eyebrows and rub his neck at the message left on the letter. His eyes travelling slightly down to look at his sister who seemed to be a bit to impatient right now.

He cleared his throat before speaking, "The letter says that we're here to react to the future due to some traumatizing events occuring in the future that the person who sent us here want us to change. They said once we sit down, the screen will change to show us the future and that we're in a space where time has been stopped for us so we can react to everything and go back to the time we just came from. The door at the back is meant to be a room leading to bathrooms and a kitchen for snacks and drinks if we get hungry. And that about it"

As soon as those words left his mouth, a loud ruckus began, people shouting in outrage and denial and worry and...excitement? (Looking at you Aiden)

Mike's eyes widened at the amount of noise as he turned back to where his trooper was, only to see her on her knees on the ground, hands cradling her ears in pain at the noise. Emilia was at her side trying to support her and help her in any ways she could yet there was clear anger at her eyes at the pain they were causing her cousin.

Mike's eyes hardened with anger along with the rest of the Banner-Lopez family, his voice was clear and loud as he yelled at them all to shut their mouths and just do as said or they can't leave the room, as said by their kidnapper. (I'm not bad I swear)

Everyone quickly quieted down at the male's order. They still felt cautious and frustrated but they could do nothing about that at the moment, all they could do was listen to their kidnapper and hope that they would be safe and let go off soon.

So they began to quickly find their seats, some brave enough to go and get some snacks and the rest began waiting for the screen to turn on.

So they began to quickly find their seats, some brave enough to go and get some snacks and the rest began waiting for the screen to turn on

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Prologue is out now and I know this chapter is kinda bad and has barely any reactions and is not done in much detail but that's because it's their arrival and I honestly had no motivation to do a whole argument about magic and the future and all that at the moment. So please just bare with me.

The next chapter is going to be episode one of SBG and I honestly can't wait for that but writing this when the story is a webtoon is soooooo hard.

But anyways, bye bye and love u all <3

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