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*3rd persons pov*

"CHAN GET DOWN IN THERE" the pink haired worriedly shouted as the teen shocked his head sitting on the roof

"NA CHAN GET DOWN BEFORE YOUR FATHER COME GET YOU"he shouted once again but no luck


Jaemin sigh in defeat, "look I will get you that damn car just get down there"

"You promised?"

"I promised now get off there" He smiled making the teen finally get down

"So when are you getting it"

"Once you were 20"jaemin grinned, "WHAT! YOU SAID YOURE-"

"what's happening here?"

"UNCLE MARK" Chan shouted giving him a tight hug, "how is our boy"

He pouted, "I'm not a boy, I'm a man. Im already 18 uncle"

"Mark what are you doing here?" Jaemin hissed

"What? I missed his birthday so I'm giving him his gift" mark winked showing him the car keys, "WOAH! A CAR? YOU MEAN IT?" He shouted

"Mark that's too much, he's still young-"

"THANKS UNLCE! YOUR THE BEST! I'm gonna see my car" he excitedly stated leaving the adults talk



"You shouldn't spoiled him" he stated putting his hand on his waist, "Why not? He's old enough, jaemin. He'll be fine"

Jaemin massaged his temples and finally said he wanted to say, "we should tell him"


"It's hit his 18 birthday mark dont u think it's time for him to know?"

"He doesn't need to know anything, as long as his fine with you guys" he replied, "But mark this is not right"

"We made a deal when he hit 18 where gonna tell him about you and donghyuck-"

"Don't say that name" he glared



"Chan has the right to know his real parents are. You and hyuck, you're his parents mark"

"I said No!" Mark codly looked at him, "My decision is made . Donghyuck has no right to be here and no he a mother of him"" The pink haired couldn't do anything but nodded

*chans pov*

"Hey uncle-"

"Chan has the right to know his real parents are. You and hyuck, you're his parents mark" my mother angrily making me weak

I feel weak... They are not my real parents? Uncle mark are his my dad? that's why he's so nice to me and give me everything I wanted

But why did they gave me to mom? (Jaemin) If he isn't my real mother, who is it?

"I said No!" Mark codly glared at him, "My decision is made. Donghyuck has no right to be here and no he a mother of him"

Donghyuck? Who is donghyuck?

"Hey minhyuck"

My neighbour shota waved, "Hey"

"WOAH! Your parentsbought this for you!?" He gaped touching the car as I throwed him the keys and he quickly catch it

"I don't need it"

"Why? This car is sick"

I sighed sitting on the bench "you alright bro?"

"Shota why don't you just ran me with that car"

"Looks like you're okay wanna go to my house?"

*3rd persons pov*


"Hello Mrs. Jung" minhyuck waved earning a smile from the woman, "Aigoo, call me mom since your shota's best friend"

"oh mom can we order some food"

"Hm of course! I'm also on the way at work so u two be a good boy" she said wearing her coat

"Gave a nice day mom"

"Thank you sweeties" she waved closing the door behind her

"Your moms so nice, I wonder where is my mom" he whispered throwing himself to the big cushion

"Ha? Mrs. Na is so nice she is ur mother"

"Well yea but not biologically"


"I heard them earlier talking, they weren't my real parents"

"WOAH WOAH WHAT THE FUCK DUDE are you fr? But if they aren't your real parentsIf then who is it?" He questioned

"It's... my dad was uncle mark" he replied getting up,
"WHAT? That's why he's always talking care of you"



"My real mother names is donghyuck"

A few hours later minhyuck don't wanna go home but luckily his dear bestfriend shota forced him because jaemins keep calling him about where his son is

"Where the hell did the kid go?" Jaemin worriledu whispered walking back and forth

"Love calm down"

"How can I calm down? It's already past his curfew" he argued, "Let him be jaemin his an adult he can do whatever you want" mark sighed

"Why do I look like I'm only the one who's worried about him?"

"C'mon let's be real chan knows what he's doing you relax" the Canadian stated unbothered until they hear the door opened

"MINHYUNG LEE! Do you know what time is it? Where have you been?"

"Why do you care?"

"Y-you.. how dare you answer me like that. YOU APOLOGIZE NOW" he shouted grabbing his son's hand but chan slapped it away, "NO! YOU ARE ALL LIARS! I HATE YOU ALL"

He cried running back to his room

"What the hell just happened"

"Damn looks like he took that from his father" Jeno blinked glancing at mark who gave him a look, "What? Don't look at me like that"

While on the other hand jaemin was frustrated, "UGHH!" He annoyingly groaned leaving the two

"Guess that's my sign to leave"

"Glad you know"

"Shut up I'm leaving"

Jeno rolled his eyes as mark left the room after that Jeno went to the bedroom only to be found his wife is upset bog what happened

He decided to go to chan room first,


"Chan it's dad" he knocked the door again, "What do you want"

"I just wanna talk"


Chan finally opened his door, letting his father enter his room, "What is it?"

"You should apologize to mom"

"I don't want to"

"Chan you know ow how's your mom is" he sighed earning no reply from the other, "You heard our conversation don't you?"

Chan sniffed and slowly nodded, "I-Is it true? U-Uncle mark is my real dad?"

"Oh minhyuck how could I explain this"

"What about my mother? Does he don't want me? And uncle mark- why did they give me?"

"How about I'll explain it to you tomorrow? You should probably go to sleep"

"He hates me don't he?"

"No minhyuck your mom really loves you. Goodnight buddy"

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