Chapter 6

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Barriss stared at Hope as she lay in the hospital wing. She hadn't woken since they arrived. It was unclear whether she was truly unable to remain conscious or if her body was dying. Barriss couldn't tell. There were too many things that should have killed her long ago.

And what she felt through the Force was a sea in which agony ruled. Liquid pain. That's the only way to describe it. Her veins were filled with it, and that would have given her power. Everything she knew of the Sith was based on hate and pain.

It was probably not what Ahsoka wanted, but Ahsoka insisted they explain everything to Anakin Skywalker. While she agreed with explaining, she didn't think half a dozen clone troopers were needed. Well, perhaps they were. She didn't know what to do anymore.

The door to the medical room swished open, and Luminara entered the room. Barriss could see the relief among the calm expression. While they had talked more than any other years about their relationship, Barriss wondered what Luminara truly thought of her.

"Barriss, welcome back. You've brought us someone, I see. Do you know who she is?"

"No, she remembers little about herself... I call her Hope, as she has no name herself as far as we know."

Barriss watched as Luminara went to the side of the woman, her eyes taking in the weak and frail body. It should have collapsed by now. Despite her healing, one would think it was a walking corpse. Yet she clung to life as if her purpose was her fuel to cling to life. Barriss had never seen such a thing before. That it was even possible to stay alive in such a way.

"I have never seen her species before," Luminara pondered. "Did the doctor say what she is?"

"He didn't know either, but he is checking the database for answers. I even put in a request at the Jedi Temple library."

Luminara nodded with a smile, her gaze on the woman again as she knelt, her hand reaching out with the Force. Whatever she was doing, she didn't do it for long, her face contorting with the same feelings she felt. Pain, hate, and blind obedience.

"This... is not right," Luminara whispered. "Such darkness..."

"I know," Barriss told her knowingly.

"How did you capture her? This feels like a Sith, Barriss. I am... amazed."

She didn't think she could do it? Was what she said a lie? Barriss briefly frowned before putting the thought away. She was amazed too, in all honesty. To think she would have such an... ancestor. It makes one think an awful lot.

"My ancestor... she was 'created' by one of my ancestors. Bound to my blood, or so she says. She calls me master," Barriss explained as she stood next to the woman. The bone protrusions around the chin seemed to move, almost curling in a way. She hoped that meant something good.

"Follows orders without question," Barriss continued. "She would sacrifice herself and kill whoever is threatening me. Count Dooku was unprepared for her sheer... protective hatred."

"That's... I am not sure what to say," Luminara replied, stroking her chin as if she was trying to figure out what to do. It made Barriss frown. Was there even a choice? She needs help, and they should give it. Luminara looked at Barriss.

"We can seek the wisdom of the council," Luminara said, which made Barriss put on her typical accepting face. Yet questions and doubts settled in her. "The council needs to see her after all. They may know a good way to help her. Perhaps some... healing ritual? I am not certain. There is much hate and pain within her. I am not even sure if that can be cleansed."

Barriss didn't respond to the last comment. There is always a way. One just had to find it. Ahsoka showed her that when they were buried. When she showed a different way to take out the weapons factory. So much contradiction to what she had been taught. Everything she's been told felt like a lie. Why are they lying?

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