The Greatest Victory

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Leo let out another whoop as he scored the winning goal on FIFA, his thumbs working furiously on the controller. The only sound in the living room was Leo's victorious shouts and the clicking of the buttons on the controller. Cris, on the other hand, was getting bored of juggling with the soccer ball for the past twenty minutes. He sighed and looked over at Leo, who let out another triumphant whoop, scoring yet another goal in the game. Cris picked up his soccer ball and waddled over to the Argentine while pouting. He plopped down on the couch beside Leo and leaned backwards as he watched Leo play. Cris tugged at Leo's shirt, hoping that Leo would at least look at him, but as he expected, Leo just said a little "Hmm" without even looking at Cris.

Cris let out a long sigh and decided that he would just play by himself. He started throwing the soccer ball up and catching it. But as Cris threw it up, Leo jumped up and screamed "GOAL!", causing Cris to jump scare a little and failing to catch the ball that hit him square on the face.
"Owie!" Cris exclaimed, rubbing his sore nose. He shot a playful glare at Leo who was looking at him with concern and trying to stifle a laugh.
"Daddy, dat huwt," Cris pouted, his bottom lip jutting out in a cute manner. Leo put the controller down on the table. He couldn't help but grin at his baby's adorable display.
" Aww, I'm sorry amor. Come here, baby boy, I'll make it better," Leo said, as Cris scooted over to him, a pout still etched on his face. Lionel pulled Cris onto his lap, wrapping his arms around him in a warm embrace. Leo kissed Cris's forehead gently, making the pout on the latter's face fade away.
"Such a little cutie," Leo teased, poking Cristiano gently on the nose. Cris giggled, leaning into Leo's touch.
"I love you, my baby boy," Leo whispered, feeling his heart swell with affection. Cris looked up at Leo with adoring eyes, his love shining through despite the playful banter.
"I wuv you too, dada," Cristiano said softly, snuggling closer to his boyfriend.
The room was filled with warmth and love, creating a serene atmosphere. As the night wore on, Cris eventually drifted off to sleep, his head resting on Leo's chest as he cuddled closer to him. Leo gazed down at his boyfriend, feeling a surge of love and protectiveness wash over him. In Leo's eyes, Cris was a strong and fierce player and the most precious person in the world. And that, to him, was the greatest victory of all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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