chapter 9

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Johnnie had sat outside for a good 15 minutes. The people out there were completely wasted. Johnnie was completely ok with that as he tilted his head up, his makeup was ruined already but he didn't want to make it any worse. He used his sleeve to dry his eyes carefully, accidentally wiping some off.

He didn't want people knowing he was crying, especially for the stupid reason he was. He felt stupid crying over a boy. Johnnie has known he's liked boys for a few years now but never really told anyone. He knew it was okay but he also knew other people didn't think the same.

While Johnnie was sitting there he felt a tickle on his ankle making him look around. When he looked down he saw sugar. His heart warmed a bit as he let the dog climb into his lap petting him. The soft fur felt nice on his hands. 

“Ttara must have given you a bath.” He spoke to the dog who a\had no clue what he was saying. Sugar was just happy Johnnie was giving him attention. Sugar rolled onto his back wagging his fluffy tail.

Johnnie smiled at sugar reaching to scratch his stomach. HE buried his hand into the dog's soft fur moving his fingers to pet him. Sugar was panting and squirming. Johnnie laughed a bit.

“Rah rah rah rah rahh!” johnnie made some sort of barking-ish sound while lightly tapping sugars mussel. Sugar was biting at him. Jhonnie had started to forget about Jake and taras kiss literally 20 minutes ago. All he cared about was sugar at the moment.

How can a dog take away all my problems in five minutes? He thought to himself as he booped sugar's nose. Sugar sneezed on him.

“Goddammit sugar, disgusting!” Johnnie said holding his hand in the ait seeing the snot as sugar sneezed again this time on his leg. 

Jake had drank water to sober up sitting on a couch. He smelt the reek of alcohol and cigs everywhere. He didn't mind it, he smelt like it half the time. He thought about his kiss with tara. He realized he felt nothing, especially compared to what he felt when johnnie would just exist around him. 

“God I'm hopeless.. And i fucked up.” He whispered to himself. He wanted to go find johnnie but it was like he was glued to the couch he didn't want to think about his love right now but it seemed like that's the only thing going through his head. 

He sighed. Finally accepting it. He might like johnnie, just might. He confirmed with himself he wanted to think more about it. He also didn't want his gay awakening to be at a party, cause that's some heartstopper shit. 

He finally gets the courage to stand up and walk over to Tara who was starting to sober up a bit too. 

“Tara, can we talk in private?” he said as Tara looked up to him and nodded. They walked into a room that was empty.

“What's up jake?” she said looking into his eyes. Jake looked to the floor and bit the inside of his cheeks.

“I-im sorry but i didnt feel anything when we kissed and.. I don't think uhm.. Well I don't know but I don't think I like girls like that..” He said biting the inside of his cheek again. 

Tara was taken back a bit but understood. 

“That's ok Jake, i didnt feel anything else but I'm proud of you for finding this out and talking to me about it.” She smiled, giving him a hug. Jake let out a sigh of relief hugging back for a solid 30 seconds. 

 Once he let go of her, he and Tara smiled at each other.

“Thank you, i'm going to go find johnnie.'' Jake said just leaving and Tara felt the urge to vomit so she ran to the bathroom.

Jake walked around the whole house and went to every corner of every room and couldn't find him. He started to get worried and then he stepped outside seeing johnnie asleep with sugar on his lap. He smiled but then noticed johnnies eye makeup was running down his face.

He sighed knowing it was probably from all the fighting. He noticed him shivering and took off his jacket to place over johnnies shoulders. Johnnie seemed to warm up as Jake did so and sat next to him very quietly hoping to not wake Johnnie or sugar. Jake was planning an apology in his head hoping Johnnie would forgive him. 

Jake felt bad but he knew it would be ok. He sat staring at Johnnie for a bit.

He's so pretty.. He thought to himself as he was respectfully looking at him. He noticed  johnnies eyes opening and he turned his head away as johnnie woke up fully. He went to stand up to get away from Jake but Jake grabbed his arm and the look on his face made Johnnie sit back down.

“Johnnie i'm sorry for being a total asshole earlier i shouldn't have been so rude to you and i'm sorry for acting like a baby. I like when you check up on me and honestly I am dealing with emotions of never having felt this strongly before and-” he was cut off. 

“So thats why you fet the need to kiss tara and not tell me you liked her again? wh y you abandoned me tonight? I forgave you for this morning but you just keep fucking up and acting like i dont have feelings mate..” 


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