chapter 2

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A/N i would like to say before you start reading that i, myself have autism. Autism is a spectrum which means that my description of jakes will not be accurate to what he or i go through. Do not use anything i talk about in this book to self dx yourself, if you are concerned that you have autism please do research and talk to trusted people if you are unable to get a dx. Thank you and enjoy.

  Jake always had a very strict schedule, when it would be interrupted it would send him into a spiral for a few days even up to a couple weeks depending on how big the change was. It would freak him out and the mood would be on edge. There were exceptions like filming, parties, and other things, but still even those would send him for a day or two.

  This is because Jake has ASD or autism. This causes him to  interact with the world differently. Johnnie has been  by Jake's side through many spirals and meltdowns and other episodes, helping him each step of the way. And Jake has been there for Johnny during depressive episodes and his panic attacks.

  Johnnie has over a very short amount of time become a part of Jake's everyday life. Jake had to see johnnie at least like 3 times a day and johnnie was okay with it. Though johnnie can mess up sometimes more than he wishes he'd do.

  He can't control it sometimes, his depressive episodes lock him in his room but he knows that Jake understands if he needs time, and unfortunately he feels as if he is going to crash back down to a low again. 

  Witch sometimes can push Jake into an episode as well with burn out. Jake suffers from burn out a lot, after recording videos he has a lot of fun and he loves making them but spending an hour or more at target and masking was a real kill for him. Interruptions with his schedule caused burn out as well or a ‘spiral’ but there the same things. 

Jake's eyes opened as he realized he fell asleep on his friend again. It was 7 in the morning when Jake usually wakes up. Jhonnie on the other hand stayed up till two in the morning watching random shit on their tv, and was still sleeping. Jake very slowly and very quietly got up off the couch.

He did not want Johnny to wake up knowing he would be in a shitty mood. Jake got onto his tip toes, a habit he never broke from his childhood. He scooped up johnnie into his arms and lifted him up.

He was very careful not to wake his best friend. To them this was normal and it had happened many times before. To others this was just straight up gay. To jake and johnnie they found that to be fucking comedy. 

As jake was walking through their house to get to jhonnies room he got caught up in looking at him in a very-totally-not-gay-super-straight way. Which caused him to run into the corner of their table and eat shit, johnnie being very kindly woken up to the floor hitting his ass and jakes big as head bonking his big ass head.

“Ow what te actuall fuck just happened!” Johnnie screamed holding his hands over his head as he heard the groan of pain from his best friend who just gave the floor head. Johnnie in a horrible mood took his hands off his head that was now forming a bump and aggressively flipped Jake over to inspect his face.

“Ow fuck sorry johnnie.” Jake winced, having a bump on his head. He sat up johnnie quickly moving out of his way.

“How the hell did this even happen?” Johnnie said trying to get up but the hit to his tailbone took a shocking pain up his spine causing him to fall back off the floor.

“Wouldn't be the first time I broke your legs.” Jake laughed wincing as he felt the shocking pain hit him.

“Your actually discusting what the fuck.” johnnie said as he stay sat on the floor while jake stood up.

“Oh yeah i was distracted while carrying you to your bed i fell on the corner.” Jake laughed and got up his ass being fine while he took some aspirin. He looked at a very pissed off johnnie who stared at him like he was about to burn him in his sleep.

“My ass fucking hurts, i cant fucking walk, i feel asleep at 2 am and its 7;15 fucking get me to somewear and get me medican you high on meth and condom juice fuck.'' Jake looked at him like he tried explaining algebra.

He quickly walked over and placed johnnie back on the couch and then grabbed ziplock  bags full of ice to help with his big ass head bump and johnnies head bump and ass bump. He quickly snaches the two out of Jake's hand as Jake starts looking for breakfast burritos to put into the microwave. 

“Im so fucking pissed at you right now i feel like an ice cube is gunna slip into my asshole..” Johnnie said as he sat  on the ice.

“You'd probably like it.” Jake joked giving the older a burrito as he sat next to him putting the ice on his head. When he felt the burning hot contents of burrito hit his face he got the message that johnnie was actually very pissed off.

“I'm sorry.” Jake said, wiping cheese from his face and looking down at Johnnie who just angrily bit his burrito as he side eyed jake.

“It's okay..”johnnie said, stuffing more food in his mouth. Jake watched ang let out a soft chuckle. He started eating then looked over to his best friend again while chewing his food.

What the fuck, Hes so fucking cute …”

“Wait… No.. ""WHAT!”

A/N I wrote this while being very sleep deprived and I still am lol

Zombie. (Jake Webber x johnnie Gilbert)Where stories live. Discover now