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Rui sat in his bed waiting for Tsukasa to exit the bathroom. Things had gotten quiet. Way too quiet.

He saw the door swing open. The shorter boy stood in the doorway shaking nervously.

"What's wrong?" Rui questions, tilting his head. Boy, nothing would prepare him for the answer he would receive.

"Rui, I missed my period. I'm worried," the blonde said with a sigh.

"Why? Isn't that a good thing? I thought you hated your period," Rui replied, puzzled.

"Because it could mean I'm pregnant dumbass!" Tsukasa sighs putting his hands on his face. What if his sister found out? What if his parents found out? He had never been so terrified in his life. The thing he dreaded
most might be happening. Was he not careful enough?

"I don't understand...We used protection right???" Rui questions, finally realizing the severity of the situation.

"Maybe? You act like I know! I'm fucking freaking out right now! I'm an actor! I have a show to prepare for in a couple of months!" Tsukasa shouts.

"You're not on the pill anymore? I thought that stopped you from getting pregnant?" Rui asked. He did not like the idea of becoming a father so young, he was only 22. The way Rui imagined it was that he and Tsukasa would wait until they were around thirty and adopt. So, to cut it short this isn't what he had in mind for today.

"The pill just decreases the chances! I got off of it though because of hormone shit! I told you this Rui!" Tsukasa explains. He's almost sobbing.

       "What if you're not actually pregnant?? Have you taken a test?" Rui suggests. It was clear he was just trying to make the situation at hand better.

     "Of course I haven't!" Tsukasa sighs.

"Ok... it's fine we can go buy one!" Rui says dragging Tsukasa to the car.

At the pharmacy

Tsukasa and Rui go to the back of the store, the "family planning" Ile which makes Tsukasa even more nervous than he already was.

"Ok, I got it," Tsukasa says, hiding the test at the bottom of the basket.

"Can I get a chocolate bar?" Rui asks Tsukasa, giving him the iconic puppy eyes.

"No, we only came here for the test Rui!"Tsukasa sighed.

"Awww......I guess my precious boyfriend no longer loves me..." Rui fake whines.

"Rui. I could be pregnant with your fucking child right now and you say shit like this?!" the blonde accidentally yells in the deadly quiet checkout line.

They got out of there as fast as humanly possible

Rui waits outside the bathroom door.

"How does this work?! Do I put it up there or-" he hears the blonde mutter to himself. Neither of them are ready for kids. Not yet, at least.

The door opens

"I figured it out. Now we just have to wait." Tsukasa sighs, laying his head on ruis thighs. He often did this when he was stressed out. To help, Rui stroked his hair and rubbed his back hoping to make him feel a little more at ease. He let Tsukasa cry into his lap as much as he needed. After all, he had always told him about his discomfort with the idea of pregnancy.

15 minutes later...

"You ready?" the shorter sighs looking up.

"Ready as I can be" Rui responds.

They both look at the test itself and the pamphlet, happy to see it turn out negative. They both smile at each other and hug, relieved.

"Thank god." Tsukasa smiles, pecking his boyfriend's cheek.

"It's been a long day, wanna watch a movie and cuddle?" Rui suggests.

"Sure, but no funny business sir!" he says whacking the purple-haired boys back.

I'm going to sleep now gn

Ruikasa takes a trip to the pharmacy Where stories live. Discover now