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Atlanta, Georgia

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Atlanta, Georgia


The night of the opening.

Location: Karters new club

Karter's voice cut through the din of the bustling club as he strode alongside Dequan, his demeanor focused and determined. "I want security everywhere, this ain't enough," he asserted, his words carrying a sense of urgency.

Dequan nodded in acknowledgment, his brow furrowing slightly as he took in Karter's directive."Karter, you know I got you," Dequan reassured, slapping his best friend on the back with an easy familiarity as they strolled through the club. "Ain't nothin' getting past us tonight."

Karter flashed him a grateful grin, appreciating the connection between them. "I know I can count on you, Dequan. We've been through too much for you to let me down now," he replied,

"Yo, what's up with ole girl?" Dequan asks, referring to Marie.

Karter shoots him a knowing look, a smirk playing on his lips. "Chill, Dequan. I got everything sorted," he assures him, his tone oozing with confidence.

Dequan raises an eyebrow, a curious expression crossing his face. "You sure about that, Karter?" he asks, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Karter nods, his grin widening. "For real, bro. Ain't nothin' to worry 'bout," he replies, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

With a shrug, Dequan concedes, knowing better than to question Karter's judgment. "Alright, man. Just don't let it mess with your game tonight," he advises, his tone serious.

Karter nods in agreement, his focus already shifting back to the task at hand. "I got this," he assures Dequan, his mind buzzing with anticipation for the night ahead.

Karter pauses to glance at one of the strippers, a frown creasing his brow as he takes in her attire. "You know what?" he mutters to himself, shaking his head in disapproval. "I want the strippers naked. See if they comfortable with that," he instructs Dequan, his tone firm as he slips back into business mode.

Dequan nods in understanding, his expression reflecting Karter's seriousness. "Got it. I'll make it happen," he replies, mentally mapping out Karter's directive's logistics.

With a decisive nod, Karter continues on his rounds through the club, his mind focused on ensuring that every detail is perfect for the grand opening. There's no room for half-measures – tonight, everything has to be flawless.


A sense of unease bit at him as Karter continued his walk through the club. He couldn't shake the feeling of nervous anticipation, a nagging worry that lingered at the back of his mind. Despite his confident demeanor, deep down, he was anxious for Marie's approval.

"Say, Dequan," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "You think she gonna be impressed? I mean, this place is the shit, but..."

Dequan glanced at him, his expression reassuring. "Chill, nigga. You know Marie gonna love it. She ain't gonna be able to resist," he replied, his tone confident.

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