Chapter 11: Hanging Out with Sally Williams

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After the deal with Slenderman, I needed some time to unwind and relax. I headed to my room and grabbed a book from my shelf, eager to escape into another world for a while. As I settled into my bed and began to read, I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in," I called out, not looking up from the pages in front of me. The door creaked open, and in walked a familiar figure - Sally Williams, one of Slenderman's proxies. Sally was a young girl with long, dark hair and big, bright eyes. Despite her creepy appearance, she was actually quite friendly and easy to talk to.

"Hey, mind if I hang out with you for a bit?" Sally asked, plopping down on my bed with a grin. I smiled and set my book aside, happy to have some company after the intense encounter with Slenderman.

"Of course, Sally. It's always nice to see you," I replied, gesturing for her to make herself comfortable. "So, what's up? Any new shenanigans with Slenderman?"

Sally rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, you know how it is. He's always up to something. But enough about him. Let's have some fun while we can. I was thinking we could go explore the abandoned warehouse down the street. I heard it's haunted!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Sally's enthusiasm. As a horror fan, I was always up for a spooky adventure. "Sounds like a plan, Sally. Let's go become ghost hunters for the day!"

We spent the next hour wandering through the dilapidated warehouse, jumping at every creak and groan that echoed through the empty halls. Sally insisted on telling me ghost stories she had heard from the other proxies, each one more chilling than the last. I played along, pretending to be scared out of my wits when in reality I was having the time of my life.

As we made our way back home, laughing and sharing jokes along the way, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Sally's unexpected visit. She may have been a proxy of an ancient and powerful entity, but in that moment, she was just a regular girl looking for a bit of excitement.

"Thanks for hanging out with me, Sally. I had a blast," I said as we reached my front door.

Sally flashed me a mischievous grin. "Anytime, Benjamin. Just remember, ghosts are real, and they're always watching." With a wave goodbye, she disappeared into the shadows, leaving me with a smile on my face and a newfound appreciation for the spooky world I had found myself in.

As I closed the door behind me, I couldn't wait to see what other adventures awaited me in the dark and mysterious realm of the supernatural. And who knows, maybe next time, Sally and I would uncover something even more terrifying - and hilarious - than before. But for now, I was content to savor the memories of a night well spent with a friend who truly understood the thrill of the unknown.

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