Alex couldn't help but feel skeptical, especially considering the recent messages with Aurora, but she decided to let it go for now. "Got it," she replied, keeping her suspicions to herself as they continued walking.

As they stepped outside, Alex's eyes scanned the parking lot and landed on a blonde she didn't recognize, standing by a blue car. The blonde's enthusiastic wave caught Leah's attention.

"Oh, that's Kayla," Leah exclaimed, pointing to the blonde. "I'll catch you later, Alex," she added, giving her a quick smile before walking over to Kayla.

Alex stood frozen as she watched Leah and Kayla share a kiss by the car. Her heart sank as she realized the implications of what she had just witnessed. Leah had been seeing someone else behind Aurora's back, granted the two weren't officially together but they weren't NOT together.

Leah turned to see Alex still standing at the exit of the facility, staring, her expression a mixture of shock and guilt. "Alex," she stammered, her cheeks flushing red.

Alex clenched her fists, trying to push down the surge of anger bubbling inside her. "I can't believe this," she muttered under her breath.

Leah took a step forward, reaching out as if to explain, but Alex shook her head, cutting her off. "Save it," she said curtly, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Without another word, Alex turned on her heel and marched back to her car. She needed to talk to Aurora, to tell her what she had seen.

Alex sat in her car, her fingers hesitating over her phone screen as she debated whether to message Aurora. She typed out a message, then quickly erased it, unsure of what to say. This cycle repeated a few times until she noticed Leah leaving with Kayla in the blue car.

Suddenly, Alex remembered her conversation with Aurora, where she promised to keep her informed if something happened. Taking a deep breath, she finally decided to send a message to Aurora.

She typed out the messages to Aurora, feeling the weight of her words with each keystroke. She couldn't bring herself to fully explain what had happened over text – it was too important, too delicate a matter. Instead, she simply hinted at the truth, hoping that Aurora would understand.

Scotty A
Are you at home?

Fav singer
Yeah why?

Scotty A
I met Kayla
Well I didn't really meet her, I just saw her

Fav singer
Oh? How comes? Who is she? Is she pretty?

Scotty A
I think we should speak in person
Not over texts

Fav singer
So something happened

Scotty A
I'm sorry Aurora

Fav singer
Don't worry scotty it's fine
I'm fine

Scotty A
I'll see you in a bit

Fav singer
Yh ok

As she drove to Aurora's house, her mind raced with a million thoughts, each one more painful than the last. She couldn't believe Leah had betrayed Aurora like this, and she couldn't shake the feeling of anger and betrayal gnawing at her insides.

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