Leah's heart raced with anticipation, her lips parting in silent invitation as they hovered just inches apart, on the brink of a long-awaited kiss. But before their lips could meet, the intrusive ring of Leah's phone shattered the moment.

As Leah's phone pierced the air with its persistent ringtone, she groaned in annoyance, the sound disrupting the moment between her and Aurora. With a small smile, Aurora chuckled softly at Leah's reaction, finding amusement in her frustration. Leaning in, she planted a gentle kiss on Leah's forehead, her touch soothing despite the interruption.

"I'll go ahead and shower," Aurora offered, her voice warm as she stepped back, "you should probably answer that call."

Leah nodded reluctantly, torn between the desire to stay in Aurora's embrace and the necessity of answering the phone. With a lingering glance at Aurora, she finally reached for her phone, knowing that duty called even in the midst of desire.

~ The second interruption ~

As Aurora busied herself in the kitchen, the aroma of sizzling ingredients filled the air, promising a delicious dinner for her and Leah. With practiced ease, she chopped vegetables and added them to the pot on the stove. Realising she needed another knife so that the vegetables and raw meat didn't touch, she walked over to where Leah was sat on the counter, reaching around her to get another knife. 

Whilst she made a move to get a second knife, Leah pulled her body closer by wrapping her legs around the taller girl's waist and her arms around her neck. She planted soft kisses along the curve of Aurora's neck, her breath warm against her skin.

Aurora chuckled softly, trying to focus on the task at hand. "Leah, I'm trying to cook," she protested, though her words lacked conviction. Leah's hum against her neck sent shivers down her spine, igniting a warmth that spread through her body and caused her to drop the knife back down on the counter.

But Leah paid no heed to Aurora's protest, her lips and hands continuing their gentle exploration, tracing the contours of her curves. Aurora reciprocated by gently running her hands up Leah's thighs. Leah's breath hitched at the sensation of Aurora's touch, her skin tingling with anticipation.

With a playful smirk, Aurora continued to tease, slowly kneeling and kissing Leah's thighs with feather-light caresses. Leah's pulse quickened as she felt Aurora's lips against her skin, each kiss igniting a fire within her.

But before they could reach their destination, Leah tugged gently on Aurora's shirt, pulling her up to her lips. Eager to taste the sweetness of Aurora's mouth, she leaned in, but Aurora redirected, planting soft kisses along her jaw instead.

Leah let out a soft sigh of longing, her heart pounding with desire. Just as their lips were about to meet, the unmistakable scent of burning food reached their noses, breaking the spell.

Aurora reluctantly pulled away, a wry smile tugging at her lips. "Well, I guess dinner's ruined now," she remarked, her tone laced with amusement.

Leah's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but a playful glint danced in her eyes. "I suppose we got a little carried away," she admitted sheepishly, her arms still wrapped around Aurora.

Aurora chuckled softly, her fingers gently brushing strands of hair away from Leah's face. "It happens," she replied, her gaze soft with affection. 

~ The third and fourth interruption ~

Leah couldn't help but steal glances at Aurora as they sat together on the sofa, the remnants of their takeout scattered on the table in front of them. Aurora was engrossed in the movie playing on the screen, her attention fully captured by the unfolding plot.

Feeling a longing to connect with Aurora, Leah's hand drifted to gently caress her face, coaxing her to look her way. Aurora turned, her gaze meeting Leah's, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "What is it?" she asked softly, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Leah hesitated for a moment, captivated by the beauty of Aurora's eyes. "Nothing," she murmured, a faint blush colouring her cheeks.

Aurora chuckled softly, sensing Leah's unspoken thoughts. With a playful grin, she gently pulled Leah onto her lap, causing her to straddle her. Leaning in, Leah leaned in closer, ready to savour the sweet taste of Aurora's lips.  Their lips just about to meet in a tender kiss when Aurora's phone shattered the moment with its insistent ringing.

"Sorry," Aurora murmured, ignoring the first ring, hoping it would just stop. But it persisted, ringing again and again, until she let out a frustrated groan.

Leah's expression turned quizzical as Aurora's phone continued to disrupt their intimate moment. It was only on the third ring that Aurora's eyes flicked to the caller ID, her face contorting in dismay when she saw it was her manager calling.

"Shit," she muttered, reluctantly reaching for her phone. With an apologetic glance at Leah, she gently tapped her thighs, silently signalling for her to get off so she could take the call in another room.

Leah sighed, understanding but still disappointed by the interruption. Reluctantly, she slid off Aurora's lap, watching as Aurora answered the call and stepped away to deal with her professional obligations.

Left alone on the sofa, Leah waited patiently, a hint of longing in her gaze as she wished for the moment they could resume their interrupted affection.

After finishing the call with her manager, Aurora let out a sigh and turned back to Leah, a hint of apology in her expression. "Sorry about that," she said softly. "Just some tour-related stuff. He was asking about my thoughts on touring since the album will be out by the end of the week."

Leah's gaze lingered on Aurora, a mix of understanding and curiosity in her eyes. "What did you tell him?" she inquired, her voice tinged with interest.

Aurora shrugged lightly, a playful glint returning to her eyes. "I told him I'm not sure if I want to do a tour for the album," she admitted, offering Leah a mischievous grin.

Leah chuckled at Aurora's response, her laughter echoing in the room. Aurora couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for her, the warmth of their connection palpable in the air.

Seizing the moment, Aurora moved to sit on Leah's lap, a playful twinkle in her eyes. As she leaned in for a kiss, their laughter intertwined, creating a moment of light hearted bliss.

But their reverie was abruptly interrupted by the incessant buzzing of Leah's phone. Aurora's playful expression faltered slightly as she glanced at the device, noting the flurry of notifications.

"Aren't you popular?" Aurora teased, attempting to lighten the mood as she tried to ignore the sinking feeling in her chest.

Leah's response was strained, her demeanour visibly tense as she checked her phone. Aurora's curiosity was piqued when she noticed a heart emoji next to the name of the sender.

Suppressing her growing unease, Aurora forced a smile. "Hungry?" she asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from the sudden tension. "I'm going to grab a snack. Want anything?" she added, hoping to maintain a sense of normalcy despite the unsettling discovery.

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