Hyperventilating, she gripped her neck and coughed, checking the back seat and locking her doors immediately. She scrounged around for her phone, which fell out of her lap and in between her door and seat.

She found it, seeing if Lia texted her back yet, which she hadn't. She suddenly worries about Lia, after Saturday when Lia hadn't eaten or taken her Iron pills for her anemia, she started thinking about her more and more.

She got over herself, put on some music to calm herself down and finally left the company premises. She found herself at McDonald's yet again, this is a record for her honestly.

"Uh, hi. It's me again. Can I have the 6 piece chicken nuggets with extra sweet and sour sauce, and the 1955 burger, and uh... two diet cokes?"

After paying for her food and getting it, she went right across the street to Lia's apartment complex, honestly not feeling too good about being back here after being harassed early, but in case anything goes wrong, she has two diets, a burger, chicken nuggets, and six sides of sweet and sour sauce to throw at them, and her pocket knife if need be.

But she got up to Lia's apartment safely, knocking first and waiting about a minute before punching in the pin that Lia told her earlier on the way to her doctor's appointment. "Lia, wake up. I got your favorite... Well, it's not your favorite, but you really like it." Yeji sang. Looking at the sleepyhead in her bed.

"Lia, seriously. Get up." Yeji set down the food and drinks, hearing the woman groan, she chuckled.

Sitting on the edge of Lia's bed she peeked over her shoulder to see if she was waking up. But she looked completely out of it, she was only making those noises as if she was dreaming. She was breathing pretty hard as well. Yeji's teasing smile slowly dropped as she studied Lia's posture, clenching her fists, gripping the blanket for dear life, sweat beading her forehead, her eyebrows furrowed as if she was scared.

"Yeji..." She whimpered, tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"Lia!" Yeji shook her, trying to wake her up. "Lia, wake up!" Gently, Yeji lifted Lia up from her laying position to hold her in one and tried lightly slapping her face to wake her up.

Wails of terror flooded the room as Lia was saved by Yeji for a second time from the same situation. Her sleep paralysis was getting worse and worse. The dark haired one opened her eyes, thankful to see her boss again and not who her sleep paralysis made her think it was.

Bursting into Yeji's arms, Lia didn't care if it was being too close to her boss. She just needed comfort and Yeji has been the only person around lately. "I'm here. It's okay..." Yeji stated lightly, hugging Lia back and caressing her dark hair.

Cradling Lia in the bed, Yeji thought that the other had fallen asleep given they had stayed in that position for so long. But the sound of Lia's voice startled her, "I'm starving."

"I brought food, it's probably cold by now." Yeji answered, glancing at the McDonald's bag on the desk.

"I don't care."

Yeji stood up to get the bag and came back to hand it to Lia. "Have it all."

"You didn't get anything for yourself?" Lia questioned, taking out the chicken nuggets and the sweet and sour sauce. She also took out the burger, getting flashbacks to the night in her car in the McDonald's parking lot. Yeji chose the burger, and maybe she hid it well, but Lia could still tell that Yeji found it really good.

"I really only swung by to drop the food off for you before I go home." Yeji shrugged, looking down at her lap.

"You don't have to lie. Yeogi (Here). Jalmeogesseumnida (Let's well well). Gomapseumnida, Daepyonim. (Thank you boss)" Lia put the burger in Yeji's lap and happily began shoving the nuggets in her mouth. She could eat twenty of these in one sitting no lie, however in Korea the largest quantity is 6.

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