prolouge / sneak peak

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currently , chigiri was moisturizing m/ns hair

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currently , chigiri was moisturizing m/ns hair .

is what a BLIND person would say , chigiri used the excuse of "skincare" to touch m/ns precious hair.

chigiris slender fingers curved inside of m/ns hair , "are you almost done yet chigiri? i promised isagi i would practice with him, he seemed sad

after we lost today."
chigiri rolled his eyes. "he'll be fine m/n , hes not

a kid." m/n hummed as a response and left it at
that, he hoped isagi would forget and practice
with him the next day.

but luck was never on m/ns side.

not ever.

the door bursted open and m/n looked to see
who it was , low and behold it was isagi.

"chigiri let him go, he promised to practice with
me." isagi spoke suddenly

"as if, m/ns doing skincare right now so run along." chigiri fired back.

"run along?? you must think im a fool , even though m/ns oblivious im not." he glared

"stop trying to touch m/ns hair!"

m/n looked confused , what was isagi babblin about..? and what did he mean he was 'oblivious.'

"you guys are acting weird , im going to bachira" m/n got up and left them to speak it out themselves.

"you guys are acting weird , im going to bachira" m/n got up and left them to speak it out themselves

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