Ramon works in the emergency room section at the hospital. He is an EN nurse and one night he gets 2 people that come in both suffering from a near fatal car crash. One of them is a girl and the other is a man. The man survived but the girl didn't. As Ramon has the man situated in the ICU. He begins helping with the autopsy of the girl that died in the accident. As he reaches for her face to check her pupils the girls hand reaches up and grabs Ramon. He's scared and surprised by this. He asks if she's alright but she only mutters and then she try's to attack him. He's able to kill her by stabbing her in the neck with a scalpel. Ramon runs outside to find help only to realize she wasn't the only dead body waking up.

5.) Samuel

It has been a week since Samuel's escape and the state of affairs has not improved. More than 2 thousand new cases of AL have been reported. Society is going rampant, stores have been looted, buildings are being burned down, police are worn thin, and the entire state is on a mandatory lockdown. Samuel has been taking refuge in a run down grocery store since he can no longer return home. Samuel had been walking around the store searching for anything to eat when he stumbled upon a bag full of rations with enough food to last him a couple weeks if he stretched it, and a first aid kit. He made shelter in the back room where the cameras are, blessed to have found a store with semi-working electricity and running water. He found a ratty blanket and a few pieces of clothing he could fit at a looted Macy's a couple days after escaping, found the grocery store a day after that and has been here since then. Samuel lies in the back room, eyes tinged red from the lack of sleep he's been getting. He has been trying to rest for hours but thoughts of his mother flutter behind his eyes every time he closes them. He finally decides to give up on sleeping and gets up to clean and redress his wounds. Samuel's day consist of wound care, washing up in the janitorial closet, eating, listening to the radio for hours on end hoping for a bit of positive news, watching the cameras, and ending the day with sleep (more or less). This has been his daily ritual. Samuel knew he had to come up with a plan soon, and that staying at the store long term would not bode over well. He had been listening to the radio in hopes of hearing about any safe havens he could go to but with no luck. Samuel realized how late it was and decided to head to the back room to make another attempt at sleep when an eerie feeling washed over him. He felt like he was being watched. He looked around for a while but he saw no one so he decided it must all be in his mind. He started to lie down but he just couldn't shake this feeling of paranoia, so he figured he would just check the cameras to ease his mind. He got up and clicked through the cameras and was about to mark this as an all clear until he got to the last panel. Samuel saw four figures in the back of the store attempting to break the padlock to get in. Samuel jumped out of his seat, his heart pounding and his mind racing. He didn't know if they were people infected with AL or if they were regular people looking for food but decided that either way meant danger. He knew he had to hide and he was running short on time. He cut off the lights in the monitor room, stuffed all the belongings he could fit in his backpack and went to the nearby janitor closet to hide. The moment he settled in the closet he heard glass shattering, figuring they would eventually give up on the padlock. Samuel heard the group enter, crunching the glass under their shoes. He could hear them talking to each other but he couldn't make out what they were saying. He pressed his ear to the door hoping to be able to overhear anything. He couldn't hear everything but he had heard enough, they were searching for food. Samuel decided to wait it out, he knew they would leave eventually when they realized there was no food left. Samuel stood in the closet for what felt like hours, as stiff as a board, & trying very hard to labor his breathing. He heard them shuffling around for a while, searching and then after some time he heard them about to retreat. Just as Samuel began to calm his nerves he took a step back too far and knocked over a broom in the closet. A large white man stood in front him his eyes were blue and had a very scruffy red beard and hair. Samuels heart dropped to his stomach. "Are they friend or foe?" he thought to himself. "Hey boys we gotta survivor in this closet!" The man shouted. 2 other large Caucasian men walked over they were just as stocky with scruffy red beards. "Are you infected?" The man asked. Samuel Hesitantly shook his head no. "Cool you'll be perfect then. The man yanked Samuel
by the neck of shirt the other 2 men grabbed
both his arms and put a burlap sack over his
head. Samuel screamed "Help help! Somebody can you hear me!" Suddenly something struck the back of his head and he fell unconscious.

  Asha 2
Night had fallen and Asha had awaken from her nap in a tall tree. " I gotta get moving these scraps won't last me to much longer." Asha developed a habit of sleeping in trees it made
her safe from hostile survivors and the infected.
Asha was curvy but athletically built green eyes,
Shaved head light brown skin. Asha shimmied
down her tree with a back on and a dagger on a holster wrapped around her waist. She rubbed her eyes to wake herself the cautiously looked around while pausing to see if she heard any infected. "Shit, I'm starving the nearest town is about 2 miles. I doubt I find anything worth wild
but screw it." Asha murmured to herself as she
walked through the dark forest. Every step she took was silent she could hear nothing but crickets not even animals could be heard either. The infected mostly ate humans but Asha has seen them hunt down deer every once in a while.
Suddenly she heard a branch snapped and leaves crackle. Asha pulled her blade out and put her back towards a tree. After a few seconds a figure slowly walked through a bush. Asha quickly pulled her flash light out shining it on the person, in front of her stood a short balled man dressed in a tuxedo he looked well kept and neat. "Who the hell are you and why
are you creeping on me?" Asha said with her
blade pointed at the man. The man only said
one word "No." in a groggy disgruntled voice then walked toward Asha. "Oh I see you must be
a freshly infected." Asha walked toward the man
swiftly stabbed him in the face and kicked his body to the ground. Asha quickly to a step back
as she heard someone else coming this time it was another man messy grey hair and a thick
mustache and pale white skin. She yelled "Are you infected to or here to still I don't got shit for
you but death!" "No no please miss I'm only looking for A- oh, you killed him." The man looked down at the fresh corpse. "You were
with him or something?" Asha asked. The man
man replied. "Well not necessarily I happened to
be trying to bait that the specimen into my truck because I want to study and experiment on him
my name Willam Roberts and I'm a scientist."
"Some wuss you must be it's easy to trap
these guys when it's just one of them." Asha said. The man laughed "Oh I see you underestimate the power of the infected see through my studies I have learned there are different variations of the AL virus class c, b,
and a,. This gentleman here was class c and
he still had a small bit of his humanity left when
I encountered him I was going to trap him until
I was attacked by a class b. Asha looked confused. "What do you mean, are they like, more dangerous or something?" "Oh absolutely I have not seen a class A but class B have some
intelligence, they're strong and can speak I've seen them kill humans before eating they truly
are frightening." Willam said with an excited look. Asha grabbed Williams shirt "What type of creep gets excited over a disease what are you
hiding tell me or I'll slice your throat right now!"
William shushed Asha "Miss please try not yell
if that thing hears us it won't hesitate to attack
I assume you are a good fighter but even the better fighters have a hard time against one. We should leave this area dead infected attract them." William whispered. Asha began walking away "So are there more around here?" Asha asked Following behind William replied. " I only saw one but I have a theory they travel in packs. Could I get your name by chance?" "The names Asha." "Well ms Asha even though we are complete strangers I must share this with you." William open his coat and pulled out a syringe filled with black goop. "Eww" Asha said. "This
disgusting fluid can be a key to stopping this
horrible virus I tested it on a chimp in my lab right now it's just a prototype but it's close the effects don't reverse the virus but instead gives
test subject control over it." A a shocked, yet intrigued Asha looked back at William "Why
are you telling me all of this?" William pointed ahead. Asha looked and suddenly felt a sharp
poke in the back of her neck. William took several paces back. "I'm gonna kill you!" Asha
yelled as she pounced on William. Asha punched him his nose instantly making the man bleed with a flurry of left hands to his eyes and mouth. Williams head jerked left and right he mad no attempts to fight back. "WHY!" Asha yelled. William took a breath and said you have
about 10 seconds before you go into shock." Asha's eyes grew wide and her body became cold, her arms locked up, and she was falling out of consciousness. William pushed her off and stood up. "I'm sorry Ms. Asha I haven't seen a non infected human in 2 weeks you were perfect if this goes well I will explain it all when you awaken." William said as Ashas vision faded away.
      Iman 2

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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