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timothee nodded at the boys response.

WALKER: oh guys this one's my trailer, i'll see you guys soon. i'll message you both when i get home too.

he hugged them both before departing with a wave.

BRIANNA: he's such a sweet and talented kid.

TIMOTHEE: i know right, he's definitely going places. anyways how did you find today?

BRIANNA: i absolutely loved it. this 60s/80s vibe that they have going on is amazing. and the costumes are so beautiful, though my jacket was quite itchy and- sorry i'm rambling on. how did you find it?

TIMOTHEE: no no, don't worry i don't mind and you weren't rambling you we're just expressing your opinion.

BRIANNA: i know but i don't like to over step my place. sorry.

TIMOTHEE; i promise you there's nothing to apologise for Briana, you're just passionate that's all.

they exchanged smiles before he replied to her question.

TIMOTHEE: but yeah, i think my favourite part was sitting in the car with winona and acting out listening to music for the first time.

BRIANNA: that did look really fun to be fair.

TIMOTHEE: yeah, i have a question.

BRIANNA: go ahead.

TIMOTHEE: i ask this to all my co stars to see how their opinions vary and i promise you i'm not trying to be arrogant or vain, but in your opinion what's your favourite role that i've played, from what you have seen.

BRIANNA: oh that's easy. Nick Sheff.

he nodded his head at her to signal that he was ready to hear her explanation and thought process behind her decision. all he wants is to have feedback on his performances and understand how someone with a different perspective interprets his character.

BRIANNA: i feel like you really involved yourself into the character of Nick to the point where the emotions and speech you presented felt raw and natural. and with it being a very sensitive and touch subject, you really raised awareness about the use of recreational drugs and what both the user and those around them have to go though. the differentiation between the events that nick goes through and how he reacts towards them really made the story come to life for me and spark emotion within me that i didn't know i had prior, and for that, beautiful boy still remains one of my all time favourite movies and i think it always will be.

the whole time she spoke his gaze was set upon her. not in a sexual way, but in a way that signals how interested he was into what she was saying. she was so well spoken and articulated her reasoning in a way that no one else ever had when it came to this question.

TIMOTHEE: wow. no one has ever expressed their opinion to me like that before. thank you so much, i truly appreciate it.

she smiled at him, showing her pearly white.

BRIANNA: you're most welcome, wait now i wanna know what your favourite role of mine was.

he placed his hand on the back of his neck and thought about his rescission for around 15 seconds.

TIMOTHEE; okay so this may be controversial, but i think i'm going to have to say Sasha Grey. i feel like in the movie "RunAway" your acting skills were sort of under-credited by the public in the sense that they kind of missed the true beauty of m Sasha. her character development and inability to initially express herself in a way that can be understood by others is touching as it is something that a lot of individuals suffer with, but once's she eventually runs away form home and life freely by herself, we are able to understand her personality on a deeper level and the reasoning behind why she struggled for so many years and i think that the pivotal moment between the fear she had of being alone and actually accepting herself for who she is is incredible. you completely perfected that drastic change and that's why i love the movie so much.

a smile grew on brianna's face, which she tried to hide behind her hand.

BRIANNA: ew i'm smiling. honestly hearing you say that is so motivating as you are, in my opinion, the best make actor of our generation and makes me feel like i'm actually doing something right. i rarely get genuine compliments like that so that you so much.

TIMOTHEE: no worries, and thank you too again.

BRIANNA: damn they made our trailers the furthest from set.

TIMOTHEE: honestly, but i don't mind though this walk is nice and peaceful.

BRIANNA: it is. the peacefulness and warmth in the atmosphere reminds me of when i visit my family in the Caribbean.

TIMOTHEE: oh that must be beautiful, i've never been how is it?

BRIANNA: amazing. like describing it wouldn't be doing it justice, it is so humbling when you're on the beach and watching the waves run in and out. there's just something about being in such a natural environment and tranquil moment that makes you feel vulnerable but also grateful for your life.

TIMOTHEE: wow. i have to go one day.

BRIANNA: what about you, what's your home country like?

TIMOTHEE: well france is beautiful. i think i prefer it over the busy life of the states at times as it brings me back to how simple life was you know?  riding my bike around the lake and going in for a swim with my friends in the neighbourhood. i'm so grateful to have experienced so much of my childhood there but i'm kind of hurt about the fact that i don't really go back as much, you know?

BRIANNA; yeah totally, i think once i've finished shooting this i'm going to go back to Jamaica for a while.

TIMOTHEE: yeah it will be well earned for sure.

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