Why are you here?

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Felicia was getting ready to go out with the rest of the members.

They had a day off work so they wanted to go to the park.

"Everyone's ready?" Chan asked and all the members nodded.

"Alright let's go then" Minho said.

They all walked down to the car.

Chan sitting on the drivers seat and Minho on the passenger seat.
Behind them were Changbin, Jisung and Hyunjin and even more behind were Felicia, Seungmin and Jeongin.

At the park

They were all sitting on the benches. They were talking and having fun there.

"Guys can I go get Ice cream?" Felicia asked.

"Sure you can" Chan said

"Thanks oppa! I will buy Ice cream for all of you!" Felicia screamed running to buy Ice cream.

"Hello dear" the old lady said

"Hello Miss" Felicia said back bowing.

"What can I get for you?"

"I would like to take eight Ice creams please"

"Coming right away dear"
"Here you go darling " the lady said giving the ice creams to Felicia.

Felicia give her money and ready to go back but as she turned around everything stopped.


"What the fuck do you think your doing Lee Felix!?" Felix's mum said.


"You disrespectful child! We warned you didn't we!?" Felix's dad said.

Felicia's dad grabbed her arm with force and slapped her.



Stray kids were looking around worriedly.
Felicia was gone for like five minutes and they had a bad feeling about this.

Until they heard someone screaming for help.
And they knew exactly who it was....


They all immediately stands up and run there.

And then they showed Felix's family there, with Felix crying while touching her cheek .

"What do you thing you are doing!?" Minho screamed.

Felicia turned and run to them.
She wasn't crying because she met her family again. She was crying because her own father slapped her for no reason at all.

"How could you treat your own daughter like this huh!?" Minho screamed.

"He is our son! We have two daughters!" Felix's mum screamed.

"No! You have three daughters! Fucking three!!! Why aren't you happy with the fact that you at least have children!? Other people can't have and you are choosing genders now!? Why were you so happy when you had Olivia as a girl but not Felicia as a girl!? Why didn't you make Olivia a boy instead huh?? And after all there is a reason why god didn't give you a boy and this is exactly the reason! You should be happy that you have an angel like her in your fucking family! Not trying to change who she is and make her a he! What kind of parents are you?? It's obvious that you are choosing favourites! Did you ever asked Felicia how she felt about all this!? Did you ever cared about your daughter's feelings!? How could you guys be so cruel and do this to her huh!?" Minho screamed.

Felicia's parents and sisters were to stand to speak. Minho was right. They never thought of that.

"Never come to see her again. She doesn't need people like you in her life. She has us and we love her. And don't you ever dare to hit her again or else I will cut your arms off" Minho said.
"Come on Let's go now" Minho said grabbing Felicia's arm as the other started following them.

Felicia looked a little bit back to her family. She looked down avoiding eye contact.

But somehow it hurts her family how a tear fallen off her eye.


your a female!? (skz x Felix)Where stories live. Discover now