ch. 3 Bed??

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Mira woke up late in the day. She twisted in her bed sheets, hoping the sleep gods would grant her another hour of sleep. How did she get in bed? She probably just forgot walking to her bed, or something like that. Yeah, that makes sense. Like Peter from Your Boyfriend Game wouldn't just come to life to put her to bed... probably. Feeling the sleep fade from her eyes, she shoved herself into a sitting position. Her arm felt weirdly sore, she probably slept on it wrong. Mira looked around her room for her cat... Nope he's dead, she instead looked for a reason to get up...

...Fuck it's laundry day she flopped back into her bed, then literally rolled out of bed hoping that the pain of landing on stars knows what would wake her up enough to grab a mug of coffee and a monster, original because they came in bigger packs... Addicted to caffeine who? Not Mira.

She grunted as she landed on... A bowl? Really? She grabbed the bowl and the other dishes in her room and trudged into the kitchen yawning, her tablet was still propped up from the night with the plate still there, she grabbed it and took it into the kitchen as well she put them in the sink with a clatter as she flinched slightly, why? Cause she's a jumpy fellow.

Grabbing her empty pot of coffee she cried eternally and filled up the pot and poured it into the water tank and dumped the old coffee grinds into the garbage then rinsed it out and put the filter into it and put in the new grinds. After that she reached into her fridge and grabbed a monster slamming the door shut as she slumped into her couch waiting for her coffee to be done... Totally not an excuse to sit the hell down and doom scroll for 15 minutes instead of gathering laundry, sipping on her Monster.

When her coffee pot rudely beeped at her bringing her back to life she took her phone and threw it at a pile of clothes, she can't doom scroll if she doesn't have a phone. Mira's legs did not want to move and felt like a stone statue, her muscles unmoving as she forced herself up her legs were not happy as she stretched her half full Monster in one hand the other stretching through the air, she then headed to the kitchen to grab her pot of coffee and poured it into a mug that read purrfection, and didn't bother adding creamer.

She didn't drink the coffee yet, and instead grabbed her phone stuffed it in her pocket and collected her laundry from her room, bathroom, and kitchen. Mira tried to focus but her mind kept going elsewhere, like Undertale, work, bed, her old family...

Mira headed to the laundry room in the basement of apartment dragging two baskets down a thud every step. Her green eyes zoned out. Mira pushed open the door hearing the hum of the dryer, and opened washer and shoved the clothes into it shutting the door and started it the blue light flickering in conformation that it was on and working. Mira sat down to guard her laundry, totally not an excuse to play on her phone, never...

...How the fuck did she doze off?? She woke up when the machine beeped... There was still thirty minutes left on the washer that was the one that was done and a concerned looking older man watched her as he took his laundry out of the dryer. She gave a small embarrassed smile and stretched her arms out as she yawned... Did the walls always look this dirty? Did she really fall asleep on that?

Mira sighed as she watched the man leave and she stood up dusting herself off from the imaginary spiderwebs.

When her laundry was finally done she trudged it upstairs and sat on the beige couch and proceeded to procrastinate by doing dishes she had way to much stuff to fold...

No one but her goes in her drawers... She could just put them in and never talk about it again... So 5 minutes of stuffing clothes into drawers later she actually folded the towels slowly catching up on the news, apparently their are planets habitable 39 light years away? Who cares she thought and turned on 2017s latest hits and Believer came on, and she swayed to the beat until she was done...

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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