The Destiny of an Adept.

Start from the beginning

They called me a monster, weak, a crybaby. They reminded me that no one loved me, that there was no place for me in the world, that this was my destiny and that like a monster I was destined to die.

I believed it.

It's true. Nobody liked me.
I always had the feeling that I was a filler in the Smiling Critters and that they never really needed me.
Now I realize what they really feel for me.
I was always a burden. And finally the burden was lifted from their shoulders.
I don't think they celebrate it openly, but deep down they are glad I'm gone.

Because of these things, a visceral hatred towards them began to grow in my gut.
I hated them.
I loathed them.
I began to reassure myself that I didn't need them. That with luck they would all die.
And along with those thoughts, the facet of which I was most proud of grew.

My hunger.

It started as a discomfort that didn't seem to go away, and soon degenerated into a hellish annoyance. Every day I felt weaker, it was difficult for me to stand up even though it was the only position I could take, because when I fell to my knees my arms were pulled by the chains, and I suffocated.

They fed me very little. Hardly ever. I guess that's the method they wanted to use in order to "dehumanize" me, the same way they talked to me as "it". They wanted me to believe that I was a monster like them.

But once, that changed.

When it happened, I woke up without the chains, and with a bowl nearby.
The hunger was such that I took the bowl unceremoniously and began to devour its contents.
It was when I finished that I noticed the bowl; I had left some traces of a viscous red liquid, from which floated a huge piece of what looked like an organ.
Like a kidney.

I had eaten something that once was alive. Or someone...
Unexpectedly...I didn't feel like vomiting!
In fact...I liked it? It was...delicious!

I ate what was left, but this time I enjoyed it, I made it last. I just left a piece of organ at the bottom, as well as the blood that I couldn't lick from the container.

They didn't feed me again. This time, the weakness returned a thousandfold, to the point of suffering from dizziness, low blood pressure, and very frequent fainting.

But anger gave me strength to keep myself alive. I was just waiting for the moment when they would free me from those chains to hunt the others down, one by one, tear off their limbs, leave them dry of blood and empty of organs.
Leaving only a skin and bones of pity. Without meat. Without blood. Without entrails.

And it happened.

BullyBull entered my cell, let me go and took me out of that place. I was finally able to go freely wherever I wanted. Although I was scared to wander around, I was way more scared of that zone.
I didn't return to the hideout where I had been locked up for so long until later.
But that is another story.

Back to business, I wandered around the facility looking for anything edible. I was raging with hunger. I needed to eat something.
Whatever it was. I didn't care.

By divine luck, I found a package of nuts. I opened it and ate it by just taking three handfuls.
It didn't satisfy me.
In fact, it even disgusted me.
Maybe I now care about what to eat...

Searching around, I heard a strange whimper coming from a pile of rubble.
I removed a few and found a stuffed animal, like a miniature Bubba. Its face was deformed and bloody, apart from the breaks it already had from before.
I took it. I felt sorry for its condition, a little nostalgic because it reminded me of the younger PlayCare children in size and behavior.
But I felt rage. Its appearance made me feel rage...

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