Honey, You're Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago

Start from the beginning

"Haha! The look on your face!" you grinned up at him.

For a man who flirted with you all the time, the second you returned his advancements he would flatline, not able to handle not being in control of a situation, turning into a blushing mess. Honestly, it was adorable, though it reminded you far too much about how flustered he would get when you knew him in Heaven; he could be a complete disaster at times if you said something even remotely intimate.

"Hardy har, real funny." he mumbled sarcastically, rolling his eyes, sitting back down with his arms crossed over his chest. He had discarded his overcoat today, wearing his pink pinstripe vest suit, the white sleeves rolled up over his ebony ombre forearms.

Smirking, you tapped your bow against his chin, inciting him to lift his head and meet your gaze.

"I'm just playing around, don't take me too seriously," you winked, reusing what he had said to you a week ago by the pool, "Now come on, violin up and repeat the measure for me once more."

Groaning, Lucifer begrudgingly picked up his fiddle, making another attempt at the tricky chord shift you had performed for him prior, a few of his notes falling flat. To assist him, you reached over the table, adjusting his grip, his eyes following your every move as you guided his hands. The care you took to lead him was not lost on him, though you missed the dreamy look on his face, too focused on teaching him to see the affection in his gaze.

"There," you murmured, touch fleeing him far too soon for his liking as you sat back down, "try again for me, please."

Moving his bow over the strings of his fiddle, Lucifer wondered if he kept messing up, would you continue to hold and guide him? He wouldn't mind wasting time acting as though he couldn't play the melody consistently if that were the case.

Lost in thought, he steadily recreated your piece, a distant look in his eyes. However, just as his crescendo came to a close, Charlie and Vaggie entered the bar, the two of them discussing an incident that had occurred in regards to Carmilla Carmine, the weapons dealer.

"...so someone's been stealing her shipments? How could they have gotten away with that? She has cameras everywhere, honestly." Charlie commented, her face lighting up as she noticed her father, giving him a wave which he gladly returned, setting down his fiddle.

"She said her cameras cut out at the time they were stolen and that she doesn't know how. From what I know, her security is top notch, so to have someone be able to dismantle it- hello, sir." Vaggie nodded to Lucifer, the man offering her a smile. He had told her that there was no need to call him sir, but she had fallen into a habit and it didn't really bug him all that much.

Butting into their conversation, you were a bit intrigued by the situation they were discussing.

"So what is going on with Carmilla? Are sinners stealing from her again?" you asked, your brow raising as a smirk tinged at your lips, "because the last time that happened, she made quite the example out of the unlucky thieves."

Charlie grimaced at your vague statement, Vaggie nodding.

"Yes, but these aren't common thieves. Their set up was meticulous and they somehow managed to hack her security system, which is impressive and a telling sign these aren't some lowlives down on their luck." the former Exorcist explained, her and the princess taking a seat beside you and Lucifer; Charlie and her dad across from you and Vaggie.

"So, what's her plan?" Lucifer asked as you whisked away your fiddles with your silver magic, sensing that this conversation would last a while.

"Well, she requested my aid in an stakeout tonight," Vaggie said, tapping her fingers against the table, Charlie leaning forward to rest her hands comfortingly on her lover's, both of them sharing a tiny smile, "I agreed seeing as we owe her for helping us protect the last hotel, so I'll be heading over to her district of the Pentagram later."

Innocence Died Screaming (Honey, Ask Me, I Should Know) (Lucifer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now