Heaven Is Not Fit To House A Love Like You And I

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"Whha rr ouu doon doum heer?" His voice was completely hindered by the fact you were both 10ft under the surface and you shook your head at him with an eye roll, not bothering to respond lest you get the same muted result.

Recognizing that you weren't going to answer him, Lucifer all but pouted, his gaze shifting over your cyan bikini, eying you for a moment before using his feet to push himself off of the pool floor, rising to the top. He was wearing white swimming trunks with red apple designs, the colour shifting with the light, holographic fabric.

Treading water above you, Lucifer smirked, your eyes narrowing. He was scheming, you could tell. Attempting to figure out what he was cooking up in that head of his, you were abruptly met with the face of a water snake, the Devil having changed his form to that of a serpent.

Reeling back from the sudden appearance of a snake, you nearly inhaled, which would've been terrible. Sticking his forked tongue out at you, Lucifer made haste to coil around your waist. His scaly body felt icky against your skin- snakes already felt weird as is and the water just made it feel 10x worse, like a smooth worm.

Having a sensory nightmare, you squirmed, attempting to pull off the smug Devil. Anyone looking down from above would've just seen an amassment of thrashing feathers and limbs as you successfully detached your quarry, rushing to the edge of the pool so he couldn't wrap around you again.

Surfacing, you used your wings to get you fully out of the water, shaking off your limbs to rid them of excess liquid. The laughing of Lucifer followed your retreat, his face lit up in amusement while you growled at him under your breath.

"What are you running away from, sweetheart?" he asked rhetorically, brows raised complacently.

Ever since the occurrence of what you had dubbed 'the shower incident,' he had gone from being unable to function in your presence to flirty and prideful and now you couldn't get a moment's respite. The others had noticed his gradual change in mannerisms towards you and Angel and Husk had been subtly trying to convince you to tell the seraphim who you really were. It was getting to be too much and you didn't really know what to do or how to act anymore.

"You know what." you responded, turning away from him and heading over to where Husk was behind the bar, taking a seat on the faux-leather barstool next to Angel, the two sinner's giving you a small glance, the feline moving to make the drink he knew you liked.

However, you couldn't escape the Devil, the blonde man hopping onto the chair next to you, a coy smile on his lips- and for a moment you couldn't see his red eyes, their hue shifting to a light blue, fangs fading and his gaze softening before you blinked and the vision vanished, your spirits soured even more.

"Hey, I was just playing around," he offered his excuse, your hand reaching out to grab the drink Husker had made you, "sorry if I startled you- your expression was hilarious though!"

Chuckling to himself, you gave him a look of disinterest, hoping he would leave you alone. It didn't offend you that he was starting to warm up to you, and you couldn't deny that the sentiment was mutual as you had also been getting used to his antics, but it made you oddly nervous- especially when he questioned your life and you had to beat around the bush to not come across as suspicious.

"I'm sure it was, Lucifer."

"You know you don't have to use my full name, right?" he leaned against the bar, accepting a drink from Husk, the bartender giving you a small nod before ushering for Angel to follow him- he was deserting you here, leaving you to fend for yourself. Evil cat.

"I have like, half a dozen nicknames you could use; Luc, Luci, star- anything you like. We don't have to be so formal." he continued, taking a small sip from his glass and humming at the sweet taste.

Innocence Died Screaming (Honey, Ask Me, I Should Know) (Lucifer X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ