Like A Heathen Clung To The Homily

Start from the beginning

Where would you be staying? He wanted to know, if only to avoid you.

Giving up on his rubber duck enrichment time, Lucifer teleported himself onto his bed that was located in the room off to the left of his flat, a large window wall providing him with a view of the lively city. Running a hand through his silky hair, he sat up on his mattress, his other hand brushing against the red sheets as he drummed his fingers along the gold decorative embroidery.

It was fairly late and the stress of almost losing his soul had left him weary. He was nearly tempted to simply pass out and wake up the next day fit as a fiddle, unfortunately though, he had lost his favourite fiddle and by God did he want it back.

Huffing in indignance, he swung his feet off of his bed, strutting to his chamber door and pulling it open with a firm expression. He headed over to the couch, snagging his overcoat and throwing it on before moving to grab his hat, pausing as he realised a very important part of his outfit- and person- was missing.

"Wait, what? Ouroboros!" Lucifer shouted, spinning around rapidly, ruby eyes scouring his room for the serpent that was supposed to be on his hat, "Ourbi, come on, where are you?!"

Rushing around his entire flat, the King of Hell ransacked his own living space, desperately searching for his missing soul, frantically muttering under his breath with every hiding spot the snake wasn't in.

"He's never left me before. Where is he?"

After searching every inch of his room, Lucifer came to the fretful conclusion that Ouroboros had fled to somewhere else in the hotel- but why?! He had done nothing to the little guy, so why would he abandon him without leaving so much as a note behind? Oh right, the serpent had no hands to write with... but still!

Face heating up with a simmering burn, he couldn't help the tears that began to prick at his eyes. A part of his very soul had just deserted him and he hadn't the faintest idea why. Sniffling, he rubbed away the building floodgates on his face, attempting to keep his composure as he paced in his living room, taking deep breaths.

He had to find Ouroboros, wherever the small snake had slithered or even flown off to, he would find him- he had to.

Darting out of his room faster than a penny-pincher on a black friday, Lucifer started his hunt with his daughter, bursting into her penthouse room, calling her name as the poor girl scrambled into the entranceway of her quarters, dressed red pinstripe pajamas, eyes wide and panicked, confused as to what had her father so frantic.

"Dad? What's wrong?!" the princess asked, taking his hands in hers to help ease his spiralling anxiety, her compassion providing some solace, though it wasn't enough to settle his racing thoughts.

"I can't find Ouroboros, have you seen him? Please tell me you have." he begged, his grip on her hands tightening as her expression dropped to alarm, the demoness now fully awake.

Even Charlie was well aware that Ouroboros never left Lucifer's side, the snake being a part of his soul. For him to leave her father was baffling on a whole other level.

"Ourbi's gone?!" Charlie gasped, immediately dragging her dad further inside her and Vaggie's space, the former Exorcist stumbling out of her and her lover's bedroom with a yawn, her spear already at the ready.

"Sorry, what's going on?" Vaggie raised a brow, Charlie hastily explaining the situation to her as they all began to sift through their flat for the missing creature, coming up dry.

"I don't think he's in here, dad..." Charlie whispered, worry lacing her tone.

Lucifer pulled on the brim of his hat, sharp nails digging into the fabric as haggard breaths left his trembling lips.

Innocence Died Screaming (Honey, Ask Me, I Should Know) (Lucifer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now