Peter dating the Maximoff's brother, who hates Tony Part 2

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"O-Oh!" Peter quickly looks apologetic. "Don't worry about that! I'm not seeing him anymore."

"Really? Why?"

Peter is surprised why he's asking. "Mr. Stark, he almost killed you."

"I know. He didn't tried to kill you though."

It takes a second to Peter to realize what he's saying. "You're saying I shouldn't broke up with him?"

"Did he made you happy before you discovered what he did?"


"Then you have it."

The young hero only looks more confused. "Y-You're okay with this?"

"Honestly, yes."

"But why?"

"Because I don't blame him for hating me." Tony admits. "Back in the days, I didn't realized how many people got hurt just because I made those weapons. Not just soldiers, but innocent people too. And thanks to that, orphans were created... and it's all my fault."

"Mr. Stark..."

"It's alright, kid." Tony assures. "I'm glad I left that business... but it hasn't left me. And now, I always be reminded by the twins... and their lil' brother." He shows a sad smirk. Peter remains quiet. "Peter, would you hate me if you discovered your parents got killed by my weapons."

It takes a couple of seconds before Peter responds. "...No."

Tony chuckles. "Stop being so modest. Especially when you're bad at it. Now, imagine that being reality, and now you know how Y/N feels. Only difference is that his childhood was rough, while you got a sweet aunt and uncle."

Peter sighs, thinking about it. "You think I should continue dating Y/N?"

"If you want."


Peter walks over to the Maximoff siblings in the training room, only to speak to one specifically. When he disrupts the three chatting, they look surprised to see Peter talking to him.

"Can I talk to you?"

"You already are."

The twins frown, with Wanda giving a soft jab to Y/N's shoulder. "Don't be so snarky."

With a mischievous smirk, Y/N walks together with Peter to the side.

"I talked to Stark..." Peter started. "...He didn't blame you for what he did."

"He didn't?" Y/N is surprised a bit, expecting him to at least kick him out of the team.

"Yes. I think he feels guilty for what he did." Y/N remains quiet, feeling doubtful, but also thinks there may be some truth behind it. "And although I don't fully forgive what you did... I... I understand where you came from."

Y/N hums. "So... what now?"

"That depends. What will you do now that he's back?"

The mutant thinks for a bit. "I still hate him, and I still want him to pay for what he did. But Pietro and Wanda yelped at me if I tried to kill him again, saying how disappointed they would be for me. So... I'm currently thinking of how to screw him over without hurting him."

Peter raises an eyebrow. "For example?"

"Putting laxatives in his food, creating fake rumors, shrinking his clothes so he feels self-conscious... basically giving him something to feel self-conscious about."

"Wow..." Peter mutters. "That is... really evil and screwed up... but at least it's better than killing him."

Y/N smirks. "Yes, it's way better. This way, he suffers more while he lives instead of killing him and that's it."

Peter didn't expect him to respond that way. "...You're really hard to read sometimes, Y/N."

"You think? I find it easy." Y/N casually comments.

Peter chuckles. "Anyway, I want to apologize of how I reacted... somewhat. I think it won't be easy, but I feel we can work things out. I want to give everything for Mr. Stark, and I should be fine with you feeling the opposite."

"I guess that same applies for me too." Y/N comments. "As long as you don't tell my plans to him."

"As long you don't crazy with the laxatives, or any other medical stuff, I won't say a word."

Y/N smiles. "Deal."

On the other side of the room, Pietro and Wanda watches the two work things out. Once they see them together walking away, they smile.

"They work things out." Wanda smiles.

"I just hope he didn't tell him about the laxatives." Pietro prays.

Wanda looks back at her brother. "What laxatives?"

Pietro remains quiet as he looks back. "...I just gave some advice, brother to brother. But that's his idea."

"Pietro, what did you say?" Wanda slowly says. Right about Pietro was going to answer, he disappears within a blip, making the Scarlet Witch groan annoyed. "Damnit Pietro!"

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