Weasley dinner part two

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I look over at Harry and smile softly. He is enjoying himself to an extent. But I know him. There is an explosion waiting to happen. He isn't as comfortable as he is putting on. One little thing is going to lead to a screaming match.

After dinner is served Harry goes quiet. I make eye contact with my children and we all know something is about to go down. He rises from the table and grabs Caelum jacket. Molly looks up and her smile fades a bit but then brightens up.

"Where are you going dear? I just served dinner. You barely touched your food."

"I would like to go home now Molly. I don't want to overextend my invitation." Harry says quietly.

"But you normally stay for dinner. Just like old times."

Harry freezes. Me and the children tense as Harry's magic stretches across the table like a vicious whip.

"Molly dear."

Draco stands up and walks over to Harry before he can continue his sentence. He whispers frantically in his ear and Harry snarls.

Draco raises his hands in defeat and sends the twins an apologetic smile. Then he walks away and sits back down on his table swishing a quick protego around the three of them.

"Molly. There is no old times. I am afraid you are quite mistaken. You see. You lost me the moment you shut me out of your family."

"But dear-."

"No! Ron and Hermione already got their peace. Charlie and Bill and Percy has done nothing. The twins were there for me while I was going through my first pregnancy and the second.

They cared! Unlike you Molly. Good grief. It is a shame your husband is such a pussy he can't stand up to you."

I facepalm and the kids look a little shocked at his language. Harry tries to filter himself around the kids. But he and his magic has lost near all control. I cast a quick protego around the kids.

Attempting to protect them from the vicious magic that is circling around the table. I can see their visible relief as the spell surrounds them. These are moments I don't want them to see from their mama. The side that has been through a war.

"My goodness Harry. What vulgar words"

Harry laughs without humor.

"Oh yes. And there are many more where that can from. So if you will excuse me. When I tell you I want to go home and your bring up old times. Remember there is no old times. There is no family to me besides my kids and severus.

Except the twins and dragon of course. Because they are the only ones who give a single damn about me and my well-being! Good day Mr. And Mrs.Weasley. You will not be seeing much of me or my children around here much more."

He walks around and gives the twins and Draco a kiss on the cheek before heading to the floo.

"Come children. We're going home. Where we are welcome and loved."

The children leave with Harry and I stay behind. The tension in the air is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

"You know you did this to yourselves." I say quietly.

"Harry wears his heart on his sleeve and you ignorant people took advantage of that."

I stand swiftly and push my chair in.

"You could have talked to him. Harry would have given the world to you on a silver platter. But you ruined that. The tears he has cried.

The feelings he feels. You betrayed him. And you are fouler than manure on the bottom of my shoe for that. I guess he was right, nobody deserves a golden hearted person. Because it comes and bites them in the arse. The exact shite you did to him."

Then I walk out of the dinning room and leave through the floor. Goodness what a day.

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