Part 2 - Will to live

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Echo wakes up with his vision and hearing going blurred he looks around trying to gather his surroundings before hearing voices

"Yankee 3-5 requesting backup at grid G4 multiple hostiles around our perimet-" A bullet cruises into the USECs skull killing him instantly

"Fuck!" Another soldier yells while blind firing his M4 into the treeline

The soldier empties his mag before reloading as a F-1 Frag grenade lands at his feet before exploding and spreading his body parts all around the helicopter crash

Some shrapnel from the grenade hits inside the helicopter spreading hot metal all around Echo knocking him out again


Echo wakes up again hearing voices that don't sound like English, he grabs his Glock 17 from his holster and waits

"Блин, ребята, приходите посмотреть! Туристов трахнули" Echo realizes it's scavs, he ponders how scavs were able to take out a helicopter and a squad of USEC soldiers so easily

"Привет, Михаил, загляни внутрь, там может быть еще добыча" Echo lies in wait for the scavs to come closer pretending to be dead

A scav crawls in checking out another dead soldier before checking out Echo

"Night night fucker" Echo says as he points his pistol at the scavs head killing him

"у нас есть живой, ребята!" A scav says before they start firing at the helicopter blindly

Echo crawls through the opposite side of the crashed helicopter to flank the scavs

As Echo reaches the destroyed tail he pops the rest of the scavs in the head while they were distracted

"3 of you?..." Echo wonders to himself on how 4 scavs were able to do this

Echo realizes most of his gear was taken by someone all he has is his holster

Echo begins to loot his fellow dead soldiers/scavs finding a worn out ADAR 2-15, A worn out chest rig with some 30 round PMAGs in it with 5.56

After looting he decides to go deeper into the Forest looking for something to take shelter in

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