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⚠️Parts of this chapter were written by Nqt_Mystic! Such parts will be in bold, as it is not one big chunk since I had to find a way to mix it into what was already written!⚠️


Tsukasa was on his knees, desperately begging for Nene to let him go as she was blocking the exit. Emu, Kohane and An watched in confusion while Akito and Toya seemed to be trying to drown out Tsukasa's pleads by talking to each other. They both had uneasy expressions on their faces.

"No, Tsukasa!" Nene glared at the blonde. "I know you want to go out, but you're not allowed to leave Crawl Green!"

"Why not?!" Tsukasa whined, the longing in his eyes intensifying by the second.

"Because we can't trust you anymore!" Nene answered. "Ever since the MIND got—him, we couldn't trust you anymore! After losing Saki, he was the last loved one you had left. Who knows what crazy things you'll do to get him back!"

     Tsukasa straightened his back and looked at Nene with wide eyes, clearly hurt.

     "You don't think that you guys are also my loved ones?" Tsukasa's heart sank. "You really think I'd betray you?!"

Tsukasa glanced back at the others, expecting backup. Instead, Akito looked away and Toya pursed his lips while the others still seemed to not know what was going on. Tsukasa's jaw dropped. They really didn't trust him! He could understand why Akito didn't, but Toya...?

"Seriously, guys?!" Tsukasa cried, his eyebrows knitting together.

Toya looked apologetic. "Tsukasa, please don't be upset," He said. "I want to be able to trust you, believe me. We're not trying to hurt your feelings."

"Well, the damage has been done," Tsukasa huffed, crossing his arms in a pout. "Go, then. Leave me alone."

     "Oh, you're not going to be alone," Ena said, folding her arms over her chest. "Kusanagi told me to babysit you. And in those exact words."

Nene let out a snicker while Akito and An burst into laughter.

     "Real funny, Nene." Tsukasa said, annoyed. "You're hilarious. Congratulations!"

     Tsukasa leaned his back onto a wall and crossed his arms.

     "Well, you seem like you're in a good mood," Akito, in an amused fashion, scoffed at Tsukasa's irritability.

     "Shut up!" Tsukasa sank onto the ground, laying on his back and letting the dirt get mixed into his hair. "Let me die here in peace!"

Toya looked at Tsukasa as if he didn't know who he was anymore. The Tsukasa he used to know would have tried his best to stay clean and never would have accepted death this easily. Had he really given up on everything so soon? Or was it all just an act?

     "Ew, Tsukasa, don't do that!" An said, disgusted. "The floor is so dirty!"

Tsukasa shot An a sideways glare. Why was everybody treating him like a child today?! He was their leader, not their annoying five-year-old brother!

     "None of us have showered in more than a week, An-chan," Kohane pointed out.

"Yeah, and we all smell like shit, anyway," Ena said. "There's no point in trying to stay clean anymore."

"Who knows where to get a stick of deodorant during this whole mess, anyway?" Akito joined in. "It's like you're expecting them to rain down from the sky."

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