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As a young boy, Taehyung's fascination with cars was evident from an early age. He would spend hours watching racing videos, dreaming of the day he could sit behind the wheel and feel the thrill of the track beneath him.

One fateful day, Taehyung stumbled upon a local racing event in his neighborhood. The sound of roaring engines and the sight of sleek cars speeding past ignited a fire within him, and he knew in that moment that he had found his calling.

Determined to pursue his passion, Taehyung poured his heart and soul into learning everything he could about racing. He spent countless hours practicing on makeshift tracks, honing his skills and pushing himself to the limit.

As word of Taehyung's talent spread, he quickly gained a reputation as a rising star in the racing world. His natural skill and fearless determination set him apart from the competition, and before long, he was winning races and capturing the attention of fans and sponsors alike.

But despite his success, Taehyung's father disapproved of his son's chosen path. He saw racing as a reckless pursuit, a dangerous obsession that would lead Taehyung down the wrong path. The two clashed often, their arguments escalating into heated exchanges as Taehyung fought to follow his dreams against his father's wishes.

"You'll never amount to anything if you continue down this path," his father would admonish, his voice tinged with disappointment.

But Taehyung refused to back down. With fire in his eyes and determination in his heart, he made the difficult decision to leave home and pursue his dreams on his own terms.

"I may not have your approval, Father," Taehyung declared, his voice steady with resolve, "but I will prove to you and to myself that I am meant for greatness."

And with those words, Taehyung set out into the world, ready to carve his own path and prove to the world that he was destined for glory.

In Taehyung's youth, his passion for racing was both his salvation and his struggle. Growing up in a challenging environment, Taehyung found solace in the thrill of the racetrack. However, his intense drive and relentless pursuit of perfection masked deeper issues lurking beneath the surface.

Taehyung exhibited symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), characterized by intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. His fixation on racing became all-consuming, leading to rigid routines and rituals designed to alleviate his anxiety and maintain a sense of control.

As Taehyung's racing career gained momentum, his OCD symptoms intensified. He became hyper-focused on every aspect of his performance, from the meticulous preparation of his car to the precise execution of each maneuver on the track. Any deviation from his carefully crafted routine would trigger overwhelming feelings of distress and uncertainty.

Despite his outward success, Taehyung's inner turmoil threatened to derail his dreams. His OCD symptoms left him trapped in a cycle of obsession and compulsion, unable to break free from the grip of his own mind. The constant need for control and perfectionism took a toll on his mental health, leaving him exhausted and depleted.

In a moment of clarity, Taehyung sought help from a therapist specializing in OCD treatment. Though at a particular point of time he got a little control over his compulsive and obsessive behaviour, he was still entrapped in the circle of OCD.

And during all his hardships, Taehyung found a person who he is so grateful for, even till now. In the bustling streets of their neighborhood, Taehyung, in his early 20s, found himself drawn to the sound of laughter and music emanating from a nearby park. Curious, he followed the sounds until he stumbled upon a group of kids playing soccer with a person with a bright smile and an infectious energy, who looked like nearly his age, that immediately caught Taehyung's attention.

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