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I'm lying down in our cramped bunk the child in my lap, Din is in the cockpit flying the Crest.  After our argument, well maybe it would be better classified as a disagreement. I start to get lost in my thoughts and overthink everything as usual. Din promised me that he would save the child from the Empire. My only thought is now, why would he think that letting a child die in the first place was right? And if I wasn't here what would have happened to the child?  He is so powerful and he can protect his clan. I wonder why he had to rely on an arranged marriage not that I'm complaining he is perfect. It's probable because is a foundling. I'm interrupted by my thoughts from the ship softly landing. Din opened our bunk door. 

"I am going to still take the child to the empire but I will come back for it" He gets on his knees and takes my hand in his "We need the baskgar the convert needs it, but I did promise you that I would save the child and I am going to keep my word" He explains. 

"I understand but please don't get yourself hurt, I love you more than anything" I hug him. He stands up and takes the child. He walks out of the ship. 

I get dressed in black stretchy pants and one of Din's light blue shirts. The shirt is one of his dirty ones but it smells like how he does after a bounty. I smell the soft shirt. It reminds me of when he first left me for a bounty and how worried I was. I smile softly. Once I finished getting ready. I made the bed or I guess you could call this metal tin a bed. I'm cleaning the ship's floor on my hands and knees. If Din was here he would conife me to our bed or a seat. In his mind just because I'm pregnant means that I can't do anything. Not that I have much to do anymore. When the baby is born we will spend the first few years in the covert. I finish scrubbing the floor. I sit down on the dry floor my legs crossed. I put my hands on my pregnant stomach. I wait for Din to come back and on cue, I see Din in the distance. He no longer has the child. In its place is a metal container. The container probably has the beskgar inside. I open the hatch door. He walks up and close the door behind him. He gets on his knees and takes off his helmet. 

"My love don't worry I am going to go back for the child, but I need to put down the payment. You need to understand that if I, if we do this we will be hunted down" He pleads with me. 

"I know but I can't just stand by when I, when we can do something to help. We are to protect people, right?, but I understand if you don't want to. We don't have to do this if you think it will harm us, or our clan" I explain, He kisses my pregnant stomach and puts his head to it. I put my hands in his hair and play with it. 

"You are right we can help this child, and this child will be a foundling just like me. If the Armor agrees we could take it into our clan" He mumbles into my shirt. 

"I promised you when we married that I would do anything to make you happy and that I would protect you and your family. I intend to keep my word" He tells me. He stands up to his full height and hugs me. 

I rest my head into his armored chest. "I know you will"

din djarin x reader ( My love)Where stories live. Discover now