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I woke up to a cold bed still wrapped in his cape and I could faintly hear killiu give Din advice outside.

I get up and change into my clothes.

I get up and change into my clothes

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(Not my art)

I have gotten too big from the pregnancy to wear my armor and so I have to wear this and be extra careful with not showing my face. It takes me forever to get my pants and boots on because of my bulging stomach. It will all be worth it for I am bringing a warrior into our clan.

When I finally get dressed I pack our bags and go out to see if din is ready to go.

"Din are you ready to go"I yell. He walks towards me and pulls me aside.

"My love you're not going on this one with me" he stammers

"What do you mean I'm not going with you"I state boldly.

"The walk is too far for you, and you are 7 months pregnant I don't want anything to happen when we are alone with a bounty in the middle of nowhere" he sternly says

"I will respect your opinion and I do also want the baby to be good, but I don't want to be a part from you" I state.

And then he pulls me against his chest and holds me and whispers in my ear "My love I don't want you to get hurt or our baby".

" Ok sweetheart I will stay, oh and I also packed your bag already" I mummer into his chest.



Sorry for the mistakes I don't like to proof read.

din djarin x reader ( My love)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt