Comfort Chicken; Nugget

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So, due to all the stress from school and exams and being a teenager with no free time anymore... This is not really an official chapter, more like a filler or something, so you guys don't have to wait forever.

This is just meant for fun as an "I'm still alive guys! Don't worry"

I don't have the time and inspiration to write a new chapter yet, so, in my last chapter, I asked if you guys had any fun ideas. And you did give me a good idea! ( Thank you TealNinjaOfWind )

Because... what in Odin's beard did Viggo do with Nugget all day? I mean, he brought him back to Thyra... But how did Nugget end up with Viggo in the first place? And what did the two of them do???

Let's find out!

The early rays of sunlight entered the tent, indicating that morning had finally arrived. A lonely figure was sitting on his bed, he was leaning with his elbows on his knees, dark bags beneath his eyes.

Viggo sighed. Another night in which he forgot to sleep. He wasn't stupid, he wasn't a workaholic or someone who just didn't care for sleep, on the contrary, he knew the importance of sleep. He couldn't stress it enough when speaking to his younger sister, yet here he was, with the second sleepless night of the week. Unless you include 1-2 hours of sleep also in sleepless nights. Then he'd be at a total of 5 sleepless nights. Or something like that.

He wasn't sure anymore. 

He knew that what he was doing was wrong, he knew that he had to sleep to keep a keen eye on everything, to stay sharp. But he just- he couldn't sleep, yet. He had to finish this first. 

Viggo was arrogant, yet, but he was by no means stupid. He was very much aware that Krogan would, sooner or later, dispose of him. And he had to make sure that he would have a plan B by then, to get himself and his sister out of here safely. 

'Just... Just think of how else he could get rid of you.' Viggo mumbled feverishly. He sighed and moved his hands through his hair. He closed his burning eyes for a second, just a second... Just one second more...

The warm rays of sunlight fell upon his face, like a comfy blanket, it reminded him of the time his little sister was born, when he was first allowed to see her. It was also at dawn, and as he opened the tent to see her, the light shone in from behind him. And she smiled, and he swore that her single smile lit the tent up more than the sun ever could. 


Viggo jolted up and blinked rapidly. His head felt like it was filled with wool and he was acting slow, too slow for his liking. Viggo took a deep breath, trying to clear his head and regain composture while simultaneously looking around for the source of the call. 

Krogan stood at the entrance of the tent, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Viggo exhaled, sounding annoyed while trying to maintain a professional attitude towards his companion. His very rude, annoying, dangerous, threatening, companion. 

'What are you doing.' Krogan scowled. 

Viggo slowly stood up, noticing that the sun had risen surprisingly much. He rolled his aching shoulders back, making a mental note to move more so keep flexible. 'Thinking and planning, though I don't expect you to understand that concept.'

It came out so easily, he hadn't even thought about it, throwing these kinds of insults was usual with Ryker around. But Krogan wasn't Ryker, and as much as Viggo hated to admit it, Krogan wasn't stupid either. 

'Careful, Grimborn. I might surprise you.'

Viggo just narrowed his eyes, suddenly noticing yellow fluff sticking out of Krogan's satchel. It was only then that he fully noticed the satchel, standing out from Krogan's usual outfit. 

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