Chapter 13: Loyal order of Ingerman

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Thyra's POV

I groan and throw my arms up in frustration. 'It'll be easy, he said. You'll be done in a day, he said. Well, guess what, Viggo!? I'm NOT done in a day! It's been a damn week!'

Midnight growls a tad worriedly. I take a deep breath to calm down. 'I'm sorry, he said we'd find a lens but we still don't have it. I'm starting to think he's just giving me these ridiculous tasks to keep me away from Krogan. I don't need protection!' I cross my arms and sigh. 'I'm perfectly fine on my own, always have been.'

Midnight pats my shoulder with her paw and an irritated growl. 'Ow, okay, you're right. I'm fine with just you. Better?'

She purrs content and we continue to walk over the island. Apparently, this is some weird cultish thingy. Okay, not really. It's just hunters worshipping some Ingar Ingerman and hunting Dramillions for fun. Well, not for long anymore!

I wonder if Viggo knew about this, if he knew this would keep me busy and send me here for that reason.

I raise my head in alarm as soon as I hear a loud roar, that sounded like a Dramillion's distress call.

'Midnight!' I quickly jump in the saddle and she starts running. We would fly, but in the past week, we've come to realize that that's actually very unpractical. The forest is too thick to fly in, and from the air we won't see anything. Besides, the hunters limit the Dramillions from flying.

So we- actually, Midnight, runs towards the call.

'A Dramillion! They're-they're not extinct! They're not extinct!'

Wait? Is that Fishlegs? What's he doing on a hunter base? I don't have much time to think about it because the next thing I hear is a lot of growling noises and the sizzling of fire. Oh Thor, oh Thor, oh Thor. He's trying to train her, isn't he? The Dramillions here are literally being hunted, they won't let you come close!

'No! Oh! W- Why is it so aggressive? Oh, it knows. It knows I'm an Ingerman.'

What? No, they aren't psychic. What is Fishlegs talking about? They finally come into view. Meatlug is running towards the Dramillion while Fishlegs panics. The Dramillion flips Meatlug into the nearby stream right where I'm hiding. Just my luck.

'Hey... Meatlug.'

Her eyes widen, but she doesn't growl at me. Okay, I guess that's good. Now back to Fishlegs! I jump in the saddle and urge Midnight to take off. Perhaps we can scare the Dramillion away. The dragon really seems to hate Fishlegs, as she proceeds to charge at him. We won't get a good angle to fire...

I pale upon the realization and Midnight tries her best to fly faster and reach a point where we can fire. But we don't need to. Because Astrid appears out of nowhere and orders Stormfly to fire, making the Dramillion dodge and giving Fishlegs enough time to mount Meatlug again.

The Dramillion angrily turns around and proceeds to fire a magnesium blast at Astrid. Instead of dodging it, she looks shocked as the giant ball of lava comes closer. 'What?!'

In the last moment, Stormfly makes a sharp turn to avoid getting hit, but throws Astrid off in the process. Astrid screams, Stormfly tries to dive after her but another blast from the Dramillion blocks her way.

Before I can even give the signal, Midnight already dives down and catches Astrid. She looks up with a smile, but the smile falls as soon as she sees that we're the ones who caught her.


I roll my eyes and Midnight places her down on Stormfly while Fishlegs is too busy geeking out to notice that I'm here.

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