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Charlotte could actually see the crazy in Gael's eyes. He was acting so different. He had never been forceful nor violent with her. He was always so cute, he would grab her and kiss her secretly. He would sit away and wink at her if their eyes locked. This Gael was all different, he was acting way too serious.

"I was with Tess. I'm a man honey, with needs. Tess saw to those needs. Wasn't going to take it further with you until I sorted it out with Atlas."

"Sorted it out? How? By marrying her?"

"It doesn't matter. All you needed to do was wait. I was never letting you go Charlotte. Ever. Why you thought that was the case was beyond me." She frowned not getting this.

"Atlas is never going to let his pass. We are not going to be together Gael. He will do whatever he needs to in order to stop this. I... It's a dead end. I get that now."

"Right... You get that now? I see." He nodded his head at her. She was in way over her head. Like way over her head.

"I am asking you to please take me back... I will tell Atlas it was my fault. He will let it go if we go back now."

"Enough Charlotte. Understand that I am never letting you go. Ever. That's it. You will remain right here with me."

"I don't want to be with you." She had to say it. Despite wanting nothing more in the world than to be with Gael, she needed to put a stop to this. Seeing him this way, seeing him angry, so determined to get his way... Seeing him so uncaring about how Atlas was going to react.

"Well that's too bad for you then. Unfortunately for you this is the only thing that is going to happen. You will remain with me... Whether or not you want to. It's for the best you stop with the bullshit of wanting to go home. Understand that I am now your home. Me..."

"You can't do this Gael!" She yelled out. "He is dangerous... He sent me to a fucking nunnery! Do you get that? I wasted six months of my life because of you! Six months in an Abbey where nobody spoke to me. Praying... Forever praying for my soul. Forever getting told that I was sinning. Everything I ever did was a sin... I don't want to give him the power to ever do that to me. You are the reason he fucked me up. You... You are the reason my life is the way it is. I just want to forget ever knowing you!"

She meant it. She did. For so long and she had focussed her life on Gael. Gael who just gave up on her. He wanted to act like he did nothing wrong! This was all on him. Had she not fallen for Gael she would never have been trapped the way she was. Trapped for so long.

She had returned from the Abbey to find out that Gael was with somebody else. That was what hurt her the most. Being trapped there for so long only to have Gael be with Tess. Being all happy and ready to be married... This was his fault. She was no longer going to waste a single minute wanting him, crying over him! Never!

Gael's eyes turned almost completely black when she said that. He looked dangerous. She feared his silence. She had seen him fight and knew how deadly he was. She knew how strong he was, knew how easily he hurt others without care for consequence. Atlas was very strong, Atlas and Gael were a force alright. Both deadlier than each other.

Charlotte was freaking out when he refused to say anything. What he did was get up and leave. He left the cabin... Okay... She heard the car and knew he had taken off.

Hurrying to the door she found it unlocked. Okay... They were literally in the middle of nowhere. Like nothing but trees that went on forever. Charlotte hurried inside and wore her shoes and threw on a jumper before she returned outside. She would suss it out. See where they were. Maybe there was a track to lead her out of here to a main road or something.

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