Chapter 30: An Eventful Night.

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The event was packed with people, as events normally are. But there were groups forming in the corners of the room; one around the food table, another by the windows to the left of the doors that looked over the city, another group at the other end of the table where the drinks where and one by the photo opportunity area; which was decorated with a white backdrop, golden tinsel down the sides and a box of props by the camera.

Jimin was having the time of his life talking and laughing with a few actors and other models over at the food table with Yoongi by his side, who was having a less energy involved conversation with an actor looking into getting a tattoo done and discussing prices, availability as well as sizes.

Taehyung was standing by his mate, who was talking with another guest about other upcoming events and anniversaries and the need of ordering items for them. The alpha had his hand on Jeongguk's waist as he talked and nodded his head.

Taehyung felt uncomfortable being around this big of a group of people in a smaller environment. He was happy that he was staying close to Jeongguk for his scent as it kept him calm. But it was also beneficial for Jeongguk because it stopped unfaithful alpha's coming over and having a go at flirting with him. Yes, he did also scent the omega before they left for the event.

Did it bother Taehyung that alphas still tried to flirt with his mate? Yes. Did it also bother him that he hasn't been able to mark his mate yet? Also, yes, but despite wanting to mark Jeongguk, he waited. He waited until Jeongguk was ready and when they could share the omegas heat together.

“Are you okay, Hyungie?” Jeongguk asked softly to the alpha over his shoulder. Taehyung nodded with a smile.

“Do you wanna get something to drink? Or eat? We can go over there now if you'd like” Jeongguk asked as he placed his hand over the other's to stroke his knuckles.

Taehyung nodded and nuzzled his nose into Jeongguk's jaw before whispering into his ear. “Just something to drink for me but get something to eat baby”

Jeongguk nodded and excused both of them to walk over to the food and drink table. The two held each other's hands while they walked over, and Taehyung smiled with such a loving and heartfelt stare that was only aimed at the younger.

Taehyung picked up a glass of champagne and took a sip while Jeongguk picked up a small plate of small cakes and crackers. He smiled as he watched the omega eat and chuckled as he saw the other's cheeks get filled.

As Taehyung was taking another sip of his champagne, he stopped, and his eyes went wide. He caught the scent of something familiar to him. Something from back home. Not the tattoo parlour home. But his home, back in Daegu. Taehyung looked up and started to frantically search across the crowded room to find the scent of sea salt. He turned his head to look around and looked through the crowd. He stopped and froze in place when he spotted someone he recognised.

Taehyung felt his breath hitch in his throat as he saw the person and took the omegas wrist in his hand as he placed his champagne down. Jeongguk looked up with a confused look, and he felt the alpha pull him carefully through the crowd to the bathrooms.

As soon as they got into the bathroom and stood by the row of sinks; Taehyung stood a little away from the omega with his back turned as he tried to figure out his busy mind. The omega furrows his eyebrows as he feels a shift in the alpha's pheromones from a calm, relaxed state to a frightened, panicky state.

“Hyungie.. what's wrong?” Jeongguk asked softly as he placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

“I saw someone..” Taehyung muttered as he looked towards his mate. “Someone who works under my father..”

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