Nah de fuq this bitch think they doin' firin' ma rat 😭😭

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"I- I- I don'z wan' doo, but zat ugly azz biotch at table zix  is concerned about ze rat cooking." He replied, clearly pissed at the prospect of firing his best chef. 

"Nahhh, please tell me you're not for real?" Remy said. "I'm going to be homeless!"

"Why don't you crash with Linguine?" One of the sous chef's suggests.

"No! I've had enough of him I can't deal with these ginger's!" He screamed.

"Wait what's wrong with ginger's?" I said, this conversation was hella confusing right now.

"I don't know! Everyone that comes in here fucking screws me over man! The had to stop hiring gingers on behalf of my wellbeing! First there was Linguine who left me in his mediocre dust! Them there was Arthur, Molly, Fred, George, Ron, Percy, Bill, Charlie, Ginny and Rowan, oh fuck Rowan pissed me off!" He replied almost yelling, his dislike for the gingers clearly evident, making its self as noticeable as really annoying hangnail.

"What did Rowan do? I liked him, he was a bit controversial but I mean, spiced up the place a bit." Someone replied.

"I don't know he just like full on annoyed me to be honest, never read anything I wrote on recipes. Anyway that's not the point! You're firing me?" He shouted.

"I am zo zorry," the chef said before leaving the room.

Before I could stop the words from slipping out of my mouth I said,

"You can crash with me?"

"Really?" Remy replied.

"Yeah, I mean why not?" 

Here's the logical reasons of why not my brain failed to mention:

1. There's only one bed.

2. He's a rat.

3. I don't need him looking through my stuff.

4. Since I have a job and je doesn't, he'll have the run of the place tye majority of the time.

5. I'm dating Linguine. Who he hates.

Conclusion: I'm fucking screwed.

🫠 - ifykykiydyd

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