Oh shit my rat 😭😭

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more description of buttocks , slight discrimination (against a rat working at a restaurant) , swearing , French

I've now worked at Gusto's for a week. Remy is still here, I mean, why wouldn't he be, clearly there's no reason to fire him considering he's a gentleman, a great chef and they've clearly looked past the whole rat thing.

I was making our soup of the day for the stuck up lady at table 14 when Remy walked into the room, I stared at his hips as they swayed angrily like a Swan that's actually a peacock or an ostrich as swans don't often swing their hips.

"For fucks sake!" He yelled in his sexy squeaky voice.

"What?" I countered wondering what was wrong.

"That bitch is giving out to me again!" He screamed, I stared confused. Just that second the head chef came in, breaking through the door like the cool-aid man in 2017 kid targeted youtube videos.

"Merde, elle n'a aucun respect!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

"What? What's wrong? Someone tell me whats going on!" I screamed exasperated.

The head chef sighed

"Remy, I amz zorry ze havez to let you go." He said.


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