Was noone gonna tell me theres a bitchass rat at my job, he lowkey hot ngl

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This was it, I stood in the restraint, staring at my spot, surrounded by expensive, imported spices, fresh veg, and some eye candy in the form of the rat next to me. This was perfect. Wait, rat?

I whipped my head around and I saw him. What? This is a rat. A rat who is now looking at me, his orbs glaring into my soul.

"OH MY GOD, HOLY SHIT! THE-THERES A RAT!" I scream, why is everyone ignoring this?!?!

"Yeah, and I'm the best chef here. So check your attitude." He replied before letting out a squeak and getting back to work. As he turned around I stared slightly at those hips, wide, low set, damn juicy. Linguine's flat ass has nothing on that moon.

"Ha! She's worse than me when I found out!" A girl with raven hair said beside me, shaking me from my thoughts about the rat.

"Let ze' new girl work, god knowz she needz it. If you need zo pee, don'tz zell me, I don'tz givez a ratz azz." The head chef with a thick French accent said, not the most unlikely thing considering she's in Paris, but his last comment about not giving a rats ass left me secretly wondering if I could take a rat's ass...

When the chef left I got to work.

"Remy." I heard the squeak from beside her and I turned to see the rat staring at me, the lights reflecting his rat abs. God, she loves a fit lad.

"Pardon?" I said tearing my eyes away.

"Remy's my name darlin'." He squeaked back.

"Oh," I said, I could feel myself blushing, I'd be willing to name my first child after his daddy.

"You're linguine's new girl right?" 

"Yeah, what's it to ya?"

"Just odd he never mentioned me, considering I made that bitch, that's how he was able to get into that new restaurant." The rat, Remy, said.

"What do you mean 'I made that bitch famous'" I responded. What was he talking about?

"Yeah, when I escaped to here, I found him, freaked out because of the whole rat thing, yada yada... anyway, kid couldn't follow a recipe, I pulled on strands of his hair to direct him so he doesn't lose thing job," Remy replied, he didn't sound bitter, I would've been passed if someone left me like that and never spoke of me.

"You reckon you could do that hair trick to help me cut these potatoes quickly?" I laughed. I looked down at Remy, he was grinning into his soup.

"With girls like you, I prefer to use the nipples instead of hair." He looked at me laughed loudly at my blushed state and added "I'm joking! I'm not a perv, I'm a gentleman, come on now."

I blushed and turned and said, "Yeah, pfft. Duh..."

More bullshit, I hope you cringed and to the people I sent this fic, I joke ur concerned, comment pls I'd appreciate seeing responses to this to send to ppl to claim, I want the most concerning funny comments if u see this.

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