[DBO] ch1.

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The loving glow of the midsummer's heat kissed the streets of Acranet, drowning the buildings in its amber hues. Birdsong accompanied the chatter of dozens that densely populated the market square. All around, businesses hung decorative banners and erected vibrant signs, advertising everything from poultry to vegetation, to patterned cloths and imported gemstones. Each vied for the eyes of customers more than the last—and yet one store, small in size, had no need for advertisements. Even through the crowded and lively streets, the owner worried not about the need to find his audience, for they always seemed to find him first.

Lothelle, the self-proclaimed Mysteriously Marvelous Merchant, had made a name for himself with little effort. Perhaps it was his tall stature or eccentric clothing, or his body being more porcelain than human—whatever it was, it made his life much easier. The time he would spend aggressively fighting for buyers was instead spent harvesting materials nobody else could get their hands on, carving himself a corner in the market.

"Oya, how good it is to see you again, my friend!" the man chimed as he leaned out his window, a smile crawling across his lips from pointed ear to pointed ear.

"Lothelle! I've been looking just about everywhere for you!" another man chimed, standing on his tippy toes to meet the windowsill. "Where in Divine's good name have you been?"

Crimmy, a shorter lad with ruffled hair, approached the window nearly out of breath. Lothelle had met Crimmy many moons ago and knew him well—well enough to know the worry in his eyes was unusual.

"Oh, little old me? You know how it is, Crimmy. I've had my hands absolutely full of work these past few weeks. Gathering sweetdew when the temperatures are this high is no easy task."
Crimmy laughed, glowing with great relief as his hands gripped the edge of the windowsill.

 Lothelle met his gaze, smiling just as wide, a sort of warmth mingling upon his expression. It was days like these where the streets were filled with strangers that Lothelle found exceptional peace in a familiar face.

"So, what is it you're in the market for today? Anything I could help you get your hands on?" Lothelle said, tapping his painted nails against the windowsill.

"Actually, yeah, but it's kind of personal—can I come in for a second?"

Lothelle's smile faltered only slightly at Crimmy's words, but he nodded all the same and glided away from the window to unlock and open his door. Crimmy entered with a word of thanks as he wiped his shoes off on the entry mat, releasing a great sigh when the door shut behind him. Lothelle snapped his fingers. A flicker of magic closed the windows and set a "Be right back" sign upon the glass.

The house, entirely wooden in design, was decorated in a vibrantly eclectic spread of magically charged objects. Glistening leaves and holographic plants crowded each corner, as well as teacups and pots with matching saucers, birds feathers and quills crafted from them, manuscripts unreadable and stacks of blank pages. Without rhyme or reason did everything under the sun seem to be smashed into this small, cozy wood cabin, but it did wonders for the welcoming atmosphere Lothelle tried very hard to envelop his guests in.

Lothelle's hands busied themselves with brewing a pot of tea as Crimmy made himself at home, finding a spot on the couch and once again sinking into it with a sigh. Odd, Lothelle thought. Crimmy wasn't usually the kind to get so worked up over anything—his mind jumped to unrealistic conclusions in an attempt to fill the anxious void in his mind.

"I'm honored you find me friend enough to trust me with a personal matter," Lothelle said over his shoulder. "What is it I can help you with? Anything at all, just say the word."

"Well... It's hard to explain," Crimmy started, shifting on the couch.

"We're not going to get anywhere if we don't try, hm~?"

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