• Arwen's birth [1/2] •

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Hi! This chapter is going to be a special one!✨️

In this chapter Elladan and Elrohir will be 11yo in appearance

There would be a elvish translation at the end🍃

I hope you'll enjoy it!💕


It was a beautiful morning in Rivendell

Elladan and Elrohir were really excited about there little sister birth

Even if they were still worried about their mother a little bit

The twins were waiting patiently in their room together, waiting for some news of their mother and little sister

Hours had pass by now but it felt like days for the twins impatient

When suddenly Elrond entered in their room with a bright smile on his face

"Ada!" Elladan and Elrohir called

"How it happen?" Asked Elrohir

"How's nana? And little sister?" Asked Elladan

"Avaro naeth, they are well" replied Elrond

"Can we see them ada?? Saes!" Said both Elladan and Elrohir

"Tolo ar nin" said Elrond leaving their room

The twins then followed him to the healing wing where their mother and sister were

Before they enter, Elrond stopped to look at the twins

"Before we enter i need you to calm down, your nana is tired and you will have to stay calm around your little sister, okay?" Said Elrond

"Yes ada! We will be calm, we promise!"

Then Elrond carefully oppened the door without making too much sound

The twins approached slowly their mother who was caring little Arwen in her arms

"Nana? How are you?" Asked Elrohir kindly siting on the side of the bed

"I'm okay, i'm just a bit tired" replied Celebrian

"Nana, can we see little sister?" Elladan asked trying to see her

"Yes you can" said Celebrian and carefully showed them their baby little sister

"Aww hi!" Said Elrohir touching their little sister's hands

"Aww she's so small!" Said Elladan

"Nana?" Elladan called

"Yes Elladan?"

"What's her name?" Asked Elladan curious

"Oh yeah i forgot to tell you, excuse me" Said Elrond

"Her name is Arwen" Replied Celebrian

"Her name is so pretty!" Said Elrohir a bit to loud and make her waking up and she start crying

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make her cry..." Said Elrohir who hide behind Elladan

Celebrian was trying to make her stop crying

When Elrond saw Elrohir with tears in his eyes, he approached him and put his hand on his shoulder

"Ion-nin it's not your fault, it's okay" Said Elrond

Then Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir decided to leave the room to let Celebrian and Arwen get some rest

The twins were in their room and were drawing something for their mother

And Elrohir went to the garden to picked some of Celebrian's favorite flowers and make a beautiful bouquet with the help of Elladan

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