super wonderful movie disaster

Start from the beginning

Y/n: let me go you big meanie.

Criminal: quiet brat.

Diana: Unhand him you vial fiend!

Kara: leave the kid alone.

Wonder woman kicks the guy away while supergirl uses her lazer vision to cut the rope off of y/n.

The villain then uses a ray gun to blast wonder woman away while he hits supergirl with a kryptonite smoke bomb. She gets week and fall to the floor the hooded man uses a bat to attack her hurting her in the process this made y/n angry and he used his phantom ring to change forms but because he was angry only one transformation was used.....RAGE.

everyone looks at y/n seeing as he changed his color to red and he now has become a red lantern.

They saw y/n was very angry and his eyes looked directly at the criminal he slowly floats towards him

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They saw y/n was very angry and his eyes looked directly at the criminal he slowly floats towards him.

Criminal: look kid I was hired to do a job it wasn't personal.

Y/n: you hurt my friends and now you'll burn.

Y/n spits out fire from his mouth setting the man on fire. Wonder woman then runs over to supergirl helping her up and they both see y/n beating up the man with a red fist construct nearly killing him.

Diana: y/n stop he's had enough.

Y/n: looks at the man he just burned and attack then looked at himself he was frighted by what he did and he flew away.

Wonder woman calls the whole team for this and they all go searching for him in every corner of metropolis.

Karen: he's not at school.

Babs: he wasn't at sweet justice.

Kara: he wasn't at the daily planet.

Zee: isn't at the movie theater.

Diana: he wasn't at the pier.

Jessica: this is terrible my little lantern is missing and we can't find him.

Kara: Where would he go if he's upset it's not like there a special place he goes when he's upset.

Jessica than realized where he went the alley where they met. It's the only place nobody would dare to find him.

In the ally way y/n was crying because he was close to killing someone. He heard someone walk up and it was Jessica in her green lantern outfit.

She ran up to him and hugged him calming him down.

Jessica: There there let it out. Me and the others were so worried about you what happened.

Y/n: I saw that bad guy hurt Diana and Kara and I t...turned and lost control and....
And...I almost killed him.

Jessica: it sounds like your phantom ring turned you into a red lantern. They're  like green lanterns but more angry and monstrous.

Y/n: I don't wanna hurt anybody.

Diana: It's okay little one we have you. we got you. You're gonna be okay.

Diana than picked him up and started cradling him so he could relax.

Kara: don't worry lil Buddy your not bad your a hero you saved me when that guy was attacking me.

Y/n: really?

Kara: Yeah you sure did kiddo.

Y/n head got heavy and started to fall asleep.

Kara: So sleepover at my place.

All: yeah.

Later they all were at Kara's house and they all made sure y/n was okay and they all slept peacefully.

In the outskirts of metropolis.

Criminal: I'm not going back there I'm gonna try my luck in Gotham.

???: did you see the boy use the red form.

Criminal: yeah but that kids is crazy he burned my face and beat me nearly killing me.

???: so the boy used the red lantern power than he is perfect.

Criminal whatever give me my money and I'll be on my way.

The shadowy figure tossed him his money and the criminal left in his car. Than the unknown person used a red lantern power ring to call someone

???: zox come in

Zox: yes lord atrocitus.

Atrocitus: I believe I have found the user of the phantom ring

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Atrocitus: I believe I have found the user of the phantom ring.

It then ends in pitch black.

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