"After that, we realized maybe a team of teenagers wasn't the best idea." Donna added with a hint of ruefulness in her voice. The weight of their past failures hung heavy in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the harsh realities they had faced.

"Now our past has come back to haunt us." Richard muttered, his arms crossed tightly against his chest as he stared grimly at the screen before him. The tension in the room was palpable, a tangible reminder of the danger they now found themselves in.

Ever the optimist, Garfield cut through the silence with a question. "So, what's the plan, Dick?" He asked, his tone steady despite the grim cloud that hung over them. "How are we going to take this guy down?"

"We aren't." Richard's response was blunt and to the point, his determination shining through in every word. "I'm going to go after him alone." He said plainly, his gaze fixed on the computer screen as he typed away with purpose.

"Richard, don't be stupid." Donna interjected, her disapproval palpable. But Richard remained resolute, his jaw set in a stubborn line as he refused to back down.

"I'm not going to put the team in this kind of danger. Not again." He said sternly, leaving no room for negotiation. It was clear that his mind was made up, his sense of responsibility driving him to take action, no matter the cost.

Kori sprang into action, her determination matching Richard's own. She quickly grabbed his chair, spinning him around to face her with a fierce intensity in her eyes. "And we aren't going to let you do this alone." She told him firmly, her gaze unwavering as she met his stare head-on. It was a declaration of solidarity, a promise to stand by his side no matter what challenges lay ahead.

"We are a team, Richard." Raven's voice cut through the tension, carrying a quiet strength that resonated with each member of their group.

"One for all and all for one." Garfield chimed in, his trademark optimism shining through despite the somber mood that permeated the room.

Richard wanted to commend his teammates for their unwavering dedication and resilience, to reassure them that they were stronger together than they were apart. But as he looked around the room, at the determined faces of his friends and allies, he couldn't shake the sinking feeling in his chest. They had no idea what they were up against. Slade was no ordinary adversary—he was a force to be reckoned with, a shadowy figure who thrived on chaos and destruction. And as much as Richard wanted to stand his ground, to protect his team from the dangers that lay ahead, he knew that they wouldn't let him pursue Slade alone.

With a heavy sigh, Richard nodded reluctantly, his resolve firming as he accepted the reality of their situation. "Alright." He said with resignation. "But we need to be prepared. Slade won't go down without a fight, and we need to be ready for anything he throws our way."


The next day, as the team sauntered into the training room, a palpable shift in the atmosphere was immediately apparent. Gone was the confident, encouraging demeanor that their leader often exuded during their training sessions. In its place was a steely resolve, a determination etched into every line of his face.

"If we want to stand a chance against Deathstroke, we will have to step things up." Richard declared, his voice cutting through the silence with a stern intensity that seemed to reverberate off the walls of the training room. His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of the task that lay before them—a task that demanded nothing less than their absolute best. There was no room for hesitation, no margin for error—not when their lives hung in the balance. "Starting today, there will be no holding back." He continued, his tone unwavering as he met the gaze of each member of the team in turn. "We are going to be training harder and longer. Garfield, go put on your uniform. From now on, I need you to wear it when you come to the training room. As of this moment, we will be working harder with your powers."

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